It lasts two hours so please go ahead and play it. You'll be speechles. Guaranteed.

Good soulslike. Feels a bit short once you learn the map. Good and tactic gameplay, but not-so-good bosses and lore.

This is a MASTERPIECE. But play Portal 1 first!!


A must play and one of my favorite games.

Good game, but play Rebirth version.

This game has a ton of content.

You can play with Spotify. That makes this game awesome.

Very good non-euclidean puzzle game. This will blow up you mind.

I don't like horror games and I loved this.

Good story, not so good ending. Recommended.


Great charming game. Play it for relax, and enjoy the visuals.

A tribute to old-school 3D platformers, and one of the best I've ever played.

Great game and good visuals. The gameplay is good, but the story is easily forgettable.