Not a fan of the whole "reset when u die" shebang icl I put that shit on easy and ran through.
Only thing saving this for me was the character interactions and the ending, Mayhaps best speech in the entire game?
Also got me Mimir and Freya crumbs I stay winning.

What a fantastic ending to a fantastic story :)
Really happy with the ending, great to see all the new and old cast, I just love them all sm :)))
The God of War Ragnarok ost (Specifically the one titled God of War ragnarok) is quite literally the greatest and grandest ost I've heard in my life and Bear McCreary needs to get a pat on the head for that.
Absolutely loved how the story was progressing but felt the opening couple hours lacked, some missions were boring and I only began to see why people regarded this as the greatest GOW game towards the 2nd half of the story.
Got me an immense amount of Freya and Mimir though so how can I not be happy with that (Freya please step on me please please please)

I cannot believe..I sat through 5 games of MID. to get to this masterpiece /j
Definitely my type of game, didn't click so much with the others but this one is almost perfect. Amazing story; super engaging, FANTASTIC CAST (Freya..Mimir..Brok/Sindri...I love yall) brilliant voice acting and performances and a great ending to boot :) plus a shit tone of collectibles and fun side quests and world building/lore its just all chefs kiss .
a few things stopping it from being perfect, just some small issues I've had w some story sections (some Atreus bits i felt could've been fleshed out more) and it is still a fighting game which is nottt my fav (though I must say the combat in this is sooo fun they killed it. even for me its like the best I could ask for)
absolutely thrilled that I got to experience this. such a beautiful story :) thank you to my mate for recommending it u a real one buddy

Literally such a good entry. Great combination of 1 and 2, improved on everything. The story is so much more present here, and Kratos's character arc really shines. Animation is stellar, the camera angles are so much more fluid, the characters and voice acting is brilliant. Weapons and fighting is great too :). I'm not a big fan of these kind of games but this was fun to play.
Art direction very strong here, I like how creative a lot of the story-telling was. Overall absolute fire, I can see why this is so highly regarded in the GOW fandoms. Kratos really did all that. Goat.

Streaming fucking sucks. Literally had no issues until about 3/4 of the game where it would just crash as soon as I got to a certain area. Was legit at the endgame pretty much. Mad angry. My wifi is not even that bad. Kill yourself.
anyways game was fire way better than 1 (tho I love 1), controls and visuals improved quite well, the areas were sick and the main story was good too. Had to watch the ending on youtube 💀, excited for 3 tho!!! (i can download it so no streaming issues GOD BLESS.)

KRATOS THE GOAT!!! Loved seeing the beginning of his journey (ik ascension is technically the beginning but that game boring lol). For 2005 this still holds up quite well, ignoring some of the controlling difficulties (button prompts not working for me a lot of the time smh). The designs of each stage and level is awesome, the story is simple to follow but still engaging, and the combat is satisfactory. Definitely more memorable sections towards the 2nd half of the game, and I like how the game concluded (that final boss fight...took me over an hour cause i carumba)
LOVE SEEING THE LITTLE VIDEOS OF THE CREATIVE PROCESS BEHIND THE GAME!!! will not be playing on god difficulty but i might come back and attempt the trophy stuff
over all I liked it kratos da goat :))

Didn't like it as much as everyone though thats because this isn't normally my type of game. Still, a lot of fun! Artistically beautiful, has so many great set pieces and seamless transitions between them my jaw was dropped for most of my play-through. Ik this came out in 2013 so I should not be surprised but god damn its truly beautiful. Story wise good as well, for a prequel. game play very solid. Snowy portion of the game reminded me of uncharted 2 :). Overall I'd say this is a good entry into the GOW franchise.

Not a horror fan and I didn't have enough of a connection or desire to finish the game. Still, nice little story to play and its free so ¯\(ツ)

Very relaxing, gorgeous and heartfelt. Solving the mysteries of the characters and getting the opportunity to grow closer and understand more based on the walkie-talkie talking and exploration was nice :). Don't hold it as close to my heart as I did years ago but I still enjoyed this a lot and its worth revisiting.

Had a lot of fun but never got invested into the story :( ( I must replay it at some points) also going for the platinum has completely killed any love I had for this game /hj

Telltale peaked here. Pack it up everyone nothing will top this.

This review contains spoilers

(platinum on 28/1/24!!)
A great addition to the story, lots of great set pieces and new additions to the cast. Definitely felt like the story was just building up to the final game, which is fine. Think the story was a little too clunky compared to the 1st one, and not as tight. I love Koboh and Jedha but the feeling of exploring such large scale planets didn't hit the same as it did in Fallen order, when everything was smaller scale. In a way most of the issues I have with this game stem with how much more grander everything is (not the games fault but I miss baby cal). (also they did Dagan so dirty...should've been in it way more!!! also wish merrin/cal was written a little better, felt rushed lol)
Overall though this game is very peak and i eagerly await the next installment B)

Really good but I got distracted by the open world and then got bored so never finished main story lol

First game on da PS5 B)
Think I prefer the other 2 games more for the feel but overall it was really good! was absolutely geeking while playing lol