(14) Winter break 2022 Games Played

List of games played during my fourth winter break of college (Mid December 2022 to Mid January 2023)

one of the few winter breaks in college that I would consider an actually refreshing and enjoyable break period

beaten all 300 soldier missions, completed the DMW, and defeated the Superboss. Will return next winter to get chapter trophies on NG+ hard mode to platinum the game
Infiltrated the facility and experienced the nostalgia
completed the main story and cold cold heart, and most of the most wanted (fuck Riddler)
defeated the superboss and finally platinum'd
defeated the Immaculate
achieved the Platinum and proved to be a true Phantom Thief
watched a friend playthrough the dlc
completed the main story and king washington dlc
saved the Motherflarkin' Galaxy
upgraded to ps5 version and beat Bardock Story DLC
ended the era of the Golden Order and began the age of the Stars
learned the life stories of the most unfortunate family
played daily to grind for raider colors and transphere pulls
played to rank up and increase Luke's level


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