I never played the original, regardless I still very much had a good time with this game. The gameplay was solid and the story was very good, especially the presentation. The cutscenes are very high quality, a few highlights are sprinkled in the game which were amazing (The keyword is: Motorcycles). The characters were also absolutely amazing, each character is interesting.

But not everything lives up to the fantasy (pun intended). The side quests had good presentation but gameplay wise it’s just fetch quests. They really kill the pacing the main story builds up, so at a certain point I stopped caring about them. Also towards the end (Chapter 17) the game once felt really stretched, like really really stretched. I know that the game portrays about one third of the original and stretched out many things but this section was the only one which bothered me. Otherwise for someone who does not know the original the game in its length felt smooth.

The game has some big weaknesses but also some very big strengths. I had a great time with this game, I was always captivated to continue playing. I am looking forward to playing Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. If you are into story games you’ll like it. For me the game is a 9/10.

The DLC feels like its own game, it has his own vibe. Enjoyed it more than the main game, one of the best DLCs I played. 9/10

Great DLC, really enjoyed the storyline, even more than the main story. 9/10

The world was really immersive, same goes for the side quests (one the best games in terms of side quests). The main story was cool too. The writing was just really good. It's a fun game to sink in many hours.

Here are some of my critiques
1. The combat felt really clunky to me. It just wasn't that fun which lead to me avoiding many fights.
2. The mini map is a bit too useful, while riding I stared to much at the mini map, almost entirely ignoring the surroundings (not an exclusive problem to Witcher, many games fail at this)
3. The dialogues/cutscenes were fine for side quests, but for the main quests they sometimes felt kinda "cheap" (in terms of production value)

Overall it's a great game, especially for 2015. The combat brought it a bit down but I still enjoyed it. 8,5/10

I really liked the premise and the story. The way the characters were portrayed (and their motivations) was amazing. It's a good expansion and should be a must-buy if you played the main game. 9/10

Before I played this game I did not have high expectations, especially regarding the launch of the game. The game really exceeded my expectations. Gameplay was fun, soundtrack was a banger, the game looks visually pleasing and has a great atmosphere and vibe to it. The story was amazing, one of the best I ever played. Characters were great, as well as the voice acting (regarding the German version).

But I have some criticism:
- a 3rd person camera in some form would have been cool, especially considering you only rarely see your own character
- the open world felt kinda empty once I realized that it's mostly made up with main and side quests
- there were some minor bugs

I don't understand why they didn't release it in a polished state to begin with. If they had, the game could've easily been a game of the year. Still, I loved the game and give it 9,5/10.

Great game, a major improvement to the old titles. Gameplay felt very smooth, story was nice and some action sequences were very memorable. I really enjoyed this game. 9/10

Uncharted 1: Story was a bit weak, gameplay felt aged (as expected). It‘s OK, for me it‘s a 6,5/10. Also, I HATED THE JET SKI CONTROLS.

Uncharted 2: Story was more interesting, there were some really cool moments, gameplay is still a bit aged. Overall it was enjoyable. 8/10

Uncharted 3: The best story so far, gameplay was more fluid. There were some really cool moments. The experience was very enjoyable. 8,5/10

Overall I enjoyed the trilogy. Each game got better. Weapon varity was good. For me enemy varity was a bit too low. Also the movement (dodging and standing behind cover) was really terrible in some moments which led to many avoidable deaths. Beides hat the games had many good memorable moments. My rating for the trilogy is a 8/10.

The gameplay was as good as the first game with some improvements und cool new mechanics. I also think the game keeps it‘s momentum well (introducing new mechanics even in late game). The story was very good although I think that the last third of the game felt a bit rushed. There were some really strong peak moments.
My biggest criticism is the open world which sadly is still built like an Ubisoft open world although it is an improvement to the first game. Also I think the game was too short regarding the price tag of 70$ / 80€. If the game was a bit longer they could’ve fleshed out the last third more.
Overall I had a lot of fun with the game. It‘s a very good game but I would recommend buying at a slightly cheaper price. I’ll rate the game between 8,5/10.

I liked the singe player campaign. The new main lobby is cool and the game plays very smooth. The soundtrack is really good and memorable.
But here are my criticisms: No new modes, a few new weapons and a new dodge mechanic just feel like they could've been an update for Splatoon 2. I recognize that they made some smaller changes. But for me personally there were not enough changes to warrant a sequel on the same console (from a casual perspective). Also the online connectivity is still terrible.
I played the online mode a bit but dropped it after the first Splatfest. At last, I wanted mentioned that I found the catalog way too grindy.
Overall everything regarding the single player was fine. The game has some minor improvements but I wished that they waited until the next console so there are bigger changes. In this state, the game is fun but it could've been better.

Good game but it feels like there is no polishing. The rain in the game looked so terrible that I literally had to install a mod to make it look solid.

The game is good but the polishing is almost non existent. Not really „definitive“. 5,5/10

It‘s the best game I ever played. I was really into BOTW and wished there was more of it which is exactly what I got. The amount of freedom and creativity the game leaves for you is insane. When you try something random out, it will usually just work. I also liked that there were always multiple solutions for a puzzle.

The new abilities are really cool, the world felt kinda new although it was geographically the same world. I liked the story although I wish they chose a different story structure. The game improves on many aspects from BOTW, like the durability system with the new fuse mechanic.

The game really fascinated me, it‘s not as revolutionary as BOTW but I never expected it to be. I also liked the feel of the sky islands and the depths (although they could‘ve added more sky islands and make the depths more alive). Some tracks from the soundtracks were really memorable. Also I think the game had the best Zelda finale so far.

I am really sad to see that there is no DLC. But it really shows that the devs had passion for the game. Maybe I am biased because of BOTW and the hype I had for TOTK but I had so much fun playing this game. It‘s not a perfect game but as an experience, it‘s 10/10 for me.

When I played this game in 2017 I literally forgot that time exists, that‘s how immersed I was in the game. The game really set a new standard for Open Worlds. The world design is very good, it feels natural und you visit a place not because of an arbitrary marker, you visit it because it looks interesting. Also I was overwhelmed with the amount of freedom, there are like no arbitrary invisible walls, you can go to every place in the game.

There are some small critiques like the balancing of the durability system, climbing when raining and (for me personally) the inconsistent difficulty (there also many other points you could mention but I don‘t want to write an essay). I personally enjoyed the story, but in reality it is just okay. But those critiques really didn’t matter in contrast to the amount of fun I had playing the game.

The game set a foundation, from which you can vastly improve on which makes optimistic on the future of Zelda. The game may not be perfect, but it was an 10/10 experience for me.

When the game released for Switch I played it for the first time. I really liked the motion controls, they were mostly fluid. It made the gameplay a bit unique. I also generally liked the dungeons. The soundtrack is very good and it‘s one the best Zelda stories. The game is more linear than it‘s predecessors but I was fine with it.

I really liked the game, I just wish they didn‘t charged 60$ for a Wii game. You can hate the motion controls but as I stated I really liked them, it‘s a good one time gimmick. Overall I give the game a 9/10.