Just an amazing game, had a lot of fun playing it

I personally didn't like it at all. Gameplay was kinda trash and the story was meh

dont know why I liked it as a kid

I think Reverie is easily in my top 3 Trails games. The corridor was much better than I expected, seeing all the characters coming together once again was such a nice treat as well, and the final was just amazing. I'm looking forward to playing it a second time when it finally launches in the west next year.

Also C route GOATED (all routes were amazing though)

Had a lot of fun with this game. Felt like a great conclusion to the erbonian arc

My thoughts on Monark are very mixed. While I absolutely loved certain aspects such as the characters, the atmosphere, the art, the soundtracks, and the story. Whenever I think about the things I don't like about this game for example the endless grinding you have to do in order to progress in the game, the somewhat lacking true ending, the puzzles which vary from pretty simple to atrociously difficult (if you're not relying on a guide), and the very lacking enemy variety just show me how apparent Monark's problems are. Well, I came to the conclusion that I still like the game overall despite its flaws but it definitely could have been much much better.

decent game. Had fun playing it for a while

A great Persona game with a very likable cast and a pretty good story. The only thing that annoyed me about this game is the combat. The random encounters that were pretty frequent and the very slow combat made me almost quit.

Nonetheless, a great game that will hook you with a great story if you are willing to endure the battles.

A decent Ys game. If I'm being honest, I wasn't really interested in the story nor was I invested in the characters/party members, they were all just kind of average to me. Still had a great time with the combat though


My first Dark Souls game and it was super fun playing it in a discord call while dying to certain bosses a couple of times. 8.5/10

Story mode was a banger but I'm honestly not the biggest fighting game fan so 7.5/10

This game is goated and one of my favorite games of all time. I already kind of knew that I'm really going to like this game but I wasn't expecting to end up liking it as much as I did. The story kept me always interested, especially in the later chapters, the characters were amazing (I really like New Class 7) and the combat with the new brave order system, while making the game a lot easier than previous games, still allowed for an amazing experience. Although the graphics may be considered dated back when it came out in the west it's still a huge step up compared to previous entries and I quite liked it a lot.