14 Reviews liked by LaLouraJosefina

This is without a doubt not just one of the greatest games of all time, but one of the greatest pieces of media of all time. Don't buy it. The original creators won't be seeing a dime, and they're the ones who deserve the money.

we're never getting a game like this again i fear

its nice to have improved on the building system of RCT 3 in every way but at the end of the day this is a dlc scam and i always just go back to modded rct 3 because building sims without mod capabilities suck!!!!!!!!!! you make games for autistic people and yet i cant get mods that make the coasters accurate to intamin blueprint specifications??? unplayable!!!!!!!!!

i hate that i can't play this as a casual gamer, i feel like you need a fucking degree to build shit in games like this

one of the best zombie games ever made

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spelunky 2 is good all-round.

i was never really one for ambient soundtracks, so i'm kind of disappointed that the bangin' style of the first game's ost didn't make a return. that's the note i'll start off with here.

the gameplay, like spelunky 1, is all there, if not more. the same emergent gameplay, traps, unforgiving difficulty, it's all back and spiffed up! love all that. the game also introduces branching paths as well, but, i'll be honest: why would you take jungle over volcana? or temple over tidepool? they all lead to the same path in the end, so taking the more difficult path is never really an option, unless you're looking for something specific from those areas. the choice seems obvious, so it really baffles me why it's a choice at all. i dunno, maybe i just don't get it?

other than that, the game is great. really fun to play with friends, so give it a shot!

Amazing way to play boardgames and many other tabletop games with friends when you can't see them IRL.

se a bethesda tivesse dado mais do que 1 ano pra a obsidian fazer esse jogo, esse jogo seria tipo a melhor coisa já feita

já ouvi gente desabafando no discord enquanto eu fazia uma entrega muito difícil nesse jogo e meti um "perai deixa eu manobrar o caminhão" enquanto a pessoa falava

Fazer uma entrega num dia chuvoso enquanto toca um jazz de fundo é sem duvida uma das vibes que existem

-best rougelike game ever made by mankind.
-the most replayable game in history
-ENDLESS hours of content

a great game that my friends won't play with me

This focuses on gameplay and that is the type of game I enjoy playing. The classes and their strengths and weaknesses make it so that you play different roles in a mission. Not only that, they also have ways to modify weapons and make the roles even more different from each other.

I think the best thing about this game is the fact that it has one of the best communities in a video game. That alone kept me playing for hours on end and make me feel like going back.

Overall this game is fun and can have you spend hours upon hours playing and enjoying it with not only the gameplay but also the small details the devs decided to add to the game and it's environments. I'll be continuing to play this game so if I see ya Rock and Stone

The only worthy successor to Roller Coaster Tycoon. It takes what was good about the original and expands upon it, focusing on beautification and maintenance instead of purely placing rides and dumping staff out. I really like this one. It's not the most in depth sim, but it's fun and challenging.