This is a game that I have very "complicated" feelings about. I adore it's main cast and I enjoyed my time enough to get the Platinum trophy but I'll be the first person to admit that this game's story feels messy/incomplete and it's combat leaves a lot to be desired. It's cast really did carry it for me, especially Noctis.

In spite of all these problems, I do still love this game even if I think it's far from perfect.


A genuinely fun game that I'd love to own, I finally got my chance to play it back when the free trial was happening back when they revealed an ARMS rep was coming to Smash. During my time with the game I discovered a simple yet fun game that I wish wasn't $60.

This game is okay but disappointing. The game's story drags on quite a bit especially since it's rather predictable twist takes forever to get "revealed" to you and by the time it's story actually feels like it's starting, the game's almost over.

I recognize that this version of Persona 3 is very hit or miss with a lot of people, while it does add new Social Links and the ability to control your party members alongside a new protagonist option, it also has additions that frustrate some such as the ability to save a certain party member who dies during the plot of the game. With all that said, P3P remains my favorite version of Persona 3, it's one of the most important games I've played personally and I will always recommend people play this version if asked which I recommend.

It may not be "perfect", but it's perfect to me.

This game is still as amazing as I remember it, definitely a classic among classics and one of the highlights of the original PS2 trilogy of DMC games. My recent playthrough of the game on Nintendo Switch has reminded me why I sunk so much time into this game when I originally played it on the HD collection for PS3 back in 2012. I'd suggest if you're looking to play the game nowadays, it'd be best to pick it up for Switch as the addition of free-range weapon switching (a feature that was added to the Switch port) elevates this game's combat and allows it to shine even more than it already did.

This DLC to Ninja Theory's DmC : Devil May Cry isn't as fun to play as the base game and it's writing is somehow worse than the main game's but it's still a decent addition to DmC and since it's packaged with DmC : Definitive Edition from the get-go it's worth the playthrough.

Not a very good game. There are aspects that are good (like the soundtrack and Dante's design) but almost everything in this game falls flat, Lucia is a character with potential who unfortunately just ends up feeling like a hollow imitation of Trish from the previous game and the combat is the worst the series has ever seen.
Not worth the playthrough unless you're really curious or dead set on playing every game in the series.

I understand why others have found this game to be an excellent time sink, but I just could not get into it like other people have. I've enjoyed previous Animal Crossing titles such as City Folk and the original Gamecube title but this new entry just doesn't click with me the same way those older titles did, that may have something to do with me "growing out of it" or perhaps something has fundamentally changed that I haven't been able to put my finger on. I put this game down back in March and I don't plan on picking it back up.

The most Suda game to ever Suda! Absolute must play.

The game looks great visually and the character creator is definitely a highlight especially when compared to other anime-styled games that have that feature, but the actual game itself felt very dull to me and it's equally as dull level-design did not help at all. There are better "Soulsborne"-like titles out there (like Bloodborne) that would be better purchases in my opinion.

I was concerned when this game was initially announced, but after years of avoiding this title I finally picked it up and I actually ended up liking it. I enjoy the direction Kratos's character was taken as it feels like the logical direction to take his character after the events of GoW3. I will say the game's plot drags in certain places but it's overall worth a playthrough.

Truly a perfect game. Devil May Cry has returned and redefined the subgenre that it originally pioneered.

Absolutely worth the purchase for those looking for the perfect character-action game experience that is complimented by fantastically entertaining characters and one of the best soundtracks in gaming.

This remake is a disappointment and actively feels worse and more shallow than the game it's supposed to be based on, lacking the small little details the original had while adding new problems that weren't present in the original title, this creates what feels like a rushed product that isn't worth the purchase.