39 Reviews liked by Laika69420

Simply Perfect Super hero game

Its fun but youtube shorts ruined it

From a gameplay standpoint, this game is fantastic. From a writing standpoint, this game is dogshit. The dev is obviously a /pol/ brained moron with terrible opinions but god DAMN is the game fun. If you want to play this game try and find a way to not give the dev money.

"I wish Newgrounds was still relevant"

The first finger curls on the Monkey's Paw

newgrounds is the reddit of videogames

Ehh Pokémon shuffle is better

Looking up what happened to this game after you found it interesting back in 2015 is like asking someone why a restaurant you enjoyed closed down and the said person telling you that restaurant was actually a front for the mafia

has one of the most beautiful endings I've seen in any game. Like a Dragon has some rough spots but its narrative is astounding. Ichiban is simply one of the greatest protagonists in the entire medium, his personality and optimism makes me cry like a fuckin baby.

Great platformer. I got lost. Didnt know where to go. Quit. I hate when that happens in games. Its boring and not fun running around giant maps trying to find where to go

played this while recovering from a major surgery in a hospital. there's probably like entire underground societies and institutions dedicated to this shit, dudes out there formulating the perfect monkey situations and learning optimal placements on each map. there's gotta be like one guy out there with a balloons tower defense tattoo. to me, it's that game i played while bleeding and dying and watching red letter media videos. i don't wanna know it any more intimately than that. it was like a cast for a broken arm on my brain, bracing the suffocating agony of my white ass away from insufferable boredom and loneliness. for that week, i understood the life of the ipad baby.

1) Buy me
2) Juice me
3) Squeeze me
4) Freeze me
5) Roll me
6) Sell me
7) Pill me
9) Pay out the believers

Very immersive game, insanely fleshed out world and lore, great difficulty curve and a campaign of 50ish hours not including the post game content it has to offer. Fine, i'll say the line, Souls-like.

Legitimate indie masterpiece and one of the greatest indie games of all time. As close to perfect as a metroidvania has ever achieved. Genuine brilliance on so many levels


Yo this game sucks. Anyways, my balls itch, I'm scratchin' my nuts rn lmfao