I'm not a huge fan of 1-5 rating systems, but when done righteously its a chore like any other.
5- Masterpiece - the best it can get, genre defining, art
4- Great - Good fun and worth your time
3- Average - Decent, but has plenty of flaws
2- Rough- Very hard to get through, with few redeeming qualities
1- Not worth playing - self explanatory
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I love Persona 3 to death. Its story really touched me, and I'm a sucker for the trope of emotionally detached protagonist learns to trust people and learns that their presence and forming relationships is important.
Its just the gameplay absolutely sucks. Yeah, sure its a real cute idea to say "oh, you can only control your actions and not other peoples in life and that's why in battle AI controls your party members" but its an atrocious idea to put in practice. I cant tell you how many times I was infuriated at losing an hours progress in Tartarus because my healer decided my 1 HP protagonist wasn't worth healing on their turn. Sorry, did you think a game over is only constituted on a party wipe? Nope, your character dies, you die. Its INSANITY. If this game ever gets a remake, with revamped gameplay it would seriously be the GOAT. For now, the story just carries it so hard, but there are some MASSIVE caveats. If you can overlook these things, then you da man!

I picked this up in a pawn shop when I was younger, going off the box art of what seemed like an interesting fantasy game. It wasnt until I was traveling through the desolate, lonely landscape and flying through the air on the wings of a giant that I realized this game was beyond special. Its one of the most beautiful games I've ever played, with a message that, while simple, resonates through practically every aspect of gameplay. What would you do to save the one you love? Would you be willing to slay mountains?

My favorite thing about the Wolf Among Us are its characters. Its such a simple thing to take characters like the Big Bad Wolf and Snow White from fairy tales, and invert their respective qualities of fearsome monster and helpless damsel respectively, injecting them with the hard realities of a world that doesn't believe in fairy tales. Its entertaining stuff, and as a playable show, it kind of works. Although to be frank the whole, "your choices matter" shtick just doesn't hold up as well anymore. Still, its a fun ride.