I don't remember much of this game to be honest. I got it when I had the VR and if I hadn't seen it on my collection, I wouldn't remember its existence.

It was tragically bad. Everything related to the VR is not worth it (limited technology and horrible graphics that make your head hurt for hours).
It's a short game that is also limited by the rudimentary technology of the Playstation VR

It's been a while since I played this and after my Plus' membership ended I didn't touch this again

It's kind of fun when played with a friend but not memorable

I remember when everyone got hyped about this one.
I ended up having it almost a decade later. I didn't understand the thrill but I probably need to play more

I got this game in a competition and I quite liked the game at the time. I'm not sure if I would like it nowadays

It's a fun game for the DS.

It had been a while since I had played Pokémon and I was not disappointed

This was the worst game I played for 3DS. The world, at the least in the beginning, is very small and there's not much to do.

I didn't have the chance to play this game for a long time (yet) but the hours I played seemed to be pretty decent. I love the series and I can understand why this got so famous

This was one of my favorite games as a child. It was simple and fun - and the amount of worlds, characters and things to catch, amid the race, made the game more fun.

I had a good time

It's a cool and nice game but can be take a while to finish

Not as fun as Streets of Rage, and a bit more frustrating, but still exciting to play

This was a beautiful game. I played it with my brother and we loved this. One of my best childhood memories. The game itself was quite difficult because I don't think we've ever beat the whole thing

P.S.: Decided to try it again and finally beat it for the first time! :D

Not my cup of tea but I need to play more