Amazing considering its time. However:
1) too many cutscenes
2) unnecessary dialogue
3) The world of KH is gigantic, the game could be shorter and its purpose would still be there.

The good points have to do with the exploration parts, character design (or the whole design in general), battle system (it's a front combat instead of those TBS games).

Although I've preferred the fourth game to the third, Fallout 3 definitely feels better than this one and despite the graphics being way worse, I think I prefered the missions.
The story in Fallout 4 looks trivial and, lazy. But overall, I just add more fun. You can build your base and that surely adds to the fun.
And the graphics are just so pretty!

Fallout 3 crashed a lot on the PS3 but fortunately that doesn't happen with this one (I played it on the PS4). It has bugs and glitches tho' (ridiculous ones). But there are good things in this game: like the new feature that tells you when you acquire an unique gun! This is so useful and there's no way you can sell an unique gun to a merchant by mistake. There are, obviously, new creatures (like the cool Swan).
And also... Damage feels more real! Every time you're close to a grenade there is a really high chance you might die (or close to a mine) so gotta be extra careful, specially at the beginning of the game.
Now the worst parts of the game are: dialogue... What is the purpose of the "free dialogue choice" when the outcome is always the same? Basically it doesn't matter if you press "yes" or "no". The right answer might be a "yes" which makes your "no" answer worthless. When in dialogue you basically need to answer what the other guy wants and I've tried (sometimes) every single choice and the outcome was the same... I wish this looked more like a real RPG!

Last but not least, curiosities. I'll make this short:
1) Radition, in F4, can make your health bar shorter (so you need to be using Radx and Radaways to keep your radition low).
2) You cannot travel with Dogmeat and another companion at the same time, just like in F3.
3) The health bar apparentely goes bigger as you lvl up.
4) Way more places to discover (I don't think the map is much bigger though but sometimes it feels like you find a new place within a 10 feet radius.
5) This is quite useful but shallow. You get to sleep near enemies or even in a fight now (makes you recover and you can keep doing it if you need more HP lol). I think this might be a glitch.
6) You cannot force a door to open just like in F3.

Anyway, enough of this. If you're into open worlds and apocalyptic environments then this is the game for you!

You really need some hours to truly like the game. If you like apocalyptical worlds, then you'll probably like this. The amount of missions in this game and the customization of your character are things that will make you enjoy your time while playing this.
Unfortunately, Fallout fails in bringing stunning graphics and the game tends to crash a lot. In fact, it's the only game I have where it suddenly crashes out of nothing.
One of the other negative aspects is that in order to finish the game you'll need to buy a certain extra (unless you have the GOFY edition). That sucks because when I got this game I didn't know about the DLC and I had to re-play the entire game but this time with the GOTY edition (I think you can save the data of the original game to continue though).

Without counting with those negative aspects the game can be pretty good and addictive. The open world is also huge and if you have the GOFY then it gets bigger. It surely is an immersive game.

Very worth it for an exclusive. My first Souls game and I couldn't ask for a better thing. It's funny because I was skeptical at first; the difficulty is high.
As a trial and error game, you need to be cautious and have in consideration a good fighting style. Expect to die a lot of times but learn something every time you do.

Beautiful visuals with an amazing architecture (very detailed) and an awesome open world. The world is one of the things that excites me the most. There are numerous paths you can discover, monsters, weapons, equipment... Very worth it and remember... The beginning is always the most difficult part!

Similar to the first game. Adds new story, new characters, enemies and a lot more fun. I think this is one of the rare situations where the sequel is as good as the original!

Small game about hunger and captivity. It reminded me of Limbo and Inside but with its own spark.

It's one of my favorite indie games; the artstyle is amazing and the gameplay is very very fun.

Just like the first Samorost, this one doesn't leave you disappointed!
While the original is better, this one has that beautiful artstyle that fans were expecting.

I personally loved this one and would play it again!

I played this game many years ago and it was one of the first games for the PC that I tried (and that left a big impact on me as a matter of fact). It's a very simple game but very beautiful, as well as creative.

It's definitely not a game everyone would like.
It gives surrealistic vibes which I love and it's one of those games that is mainly famous for its art.

Visually stunning and creative.
It's not as good as Samorost but still worth it.

I never actually finished it though. Some of the puzzles are hard to understand which is common for these type of games (sometimes it's more like trying to understand the devs' heads than following logic).
It can get boring after some time.

So far it's a very beautiful game. I wouldn't even say fun at this point since I barely played it but it's definitely beautiful and you can see the hard work that was put in it. It's amazing how the Harry Potter world still seems to be pretty much alive after so long. I feel like a Hogwarts student even though I'm a grown ass adult.

As any other game there are certain problems that seem to be upsetting me:

1) The customization of the characters isn't as impressive as they made it look like. The characters are certainly beautiful when creating them but look like trash in the main game. For some reason all the characters look the same in this game - and also, their expressions (I've heard this was redone but I am not sure how much better it is)...

2) Plot. The story isn't very appealing: you fight an evil goblin, whom I presume wants to conquer the world. It's very cliché and not very entertaining. I am sure that the game would be more than all right if they decided to have put more focus on the school - classes and such

3) All the characters seem to be monologuing in this school. It's not even immersive if you go around the school and people seem only focused on themselves (each character, even in groups, talks about things that are never related to what the other character is saying). Also, I'd like it more if there was more involvement between the MC and the others. If your presence was actually noticed...

4) As a Harry Potter fan I like when things are faithful to the original source. In Hogwarts Legacy you will find students from around the world, which does not happen in the books. Only British kids can enter Hogwarts. For other nationalities there are plenty of other schools to go.

5) The combat is not good! Even looking at the trailers I knew the combat wouldn't be good... Enemies get stuck and stop attacking you after a certain point. The fluidity of the movements is not the best either.
Enemies all look the same and are boring as f*. It looks like this part of the game was done in a hurry.

I have heard a sequel is coming out but it is not confirmed. I think a lot more could be added to this game in order to improve it. It has a lot of potential and visually-speaking it is gorgeous! It fails in combat and plot which are two big things in this game but, from my experience, it's still worth to try!

As a fan of Limbo I am happy to play this one. Artistically it is very beautiful with a nice soundtrack - the landscapes and the tiny gnome houses are very nice to look at.

The game soon gets gory and scary, just like Limbo. The style of the game is pretty similar - even the story is.
Story-wise it's not memorable; other games and stories have done the same but it's a short game and there's nothing to lose in playing it.

I'll give it 3.5 stars, especially because of the artwork.
In terms of game-play, it could have been so much better but since it's an indie game and a relatively new company, I won't be too hard on it.

Very similar to its ancestor. It's a fun game but some things have changed. I got the early access version so there are still a lot of things that need to be fixed (hopefully they have now that we have the full release). So far, I've seen objects disappearing, namely my Kite and my GPS locator. I've also marked some places that got unmarked on their own.

1. You've got a new member of the crew (actually two if you count with Virginia. She fights while Kelvin assists you in building).

2. After dying, you don't need to spawn in the same place where you started the game. You will be reborn near where you died.

3. This sequel is more difficult. I am not sure about enemies strength or the usefulness of pills but you die way more often. One of the difficulties present in this game is that when you die, sometimes you reappear at the Cannibals' camping site. This makes your escape more difficult, as one blow from the Cannibals kills you (you start with the lowest HP).

4. The map is much bigger. Caves are not marked after you go inside one so you never know which caves you have explored. Your houses are not marked unless you use one of your GPS locators - something that wastes materials...

I am not sure if they have changed any of this but I will edit my review once I try the full release. In terms of enjoyment, I am liking the game so far and you can still play it with friends, which helps immensely. I guess a bit more complexity, even in terms of building, would help a little bit with my final consideration.

Used to play this with my brother to what seems now a LONG time ago! Good memories!

It was one of those games that made you glued to the TV from start to finish. It was a big thing when it came out :)

Reminds me of Ark and, of course, Pokémon. I'm not sure how this was legalized; the monsters are obvious copies of different Pokémon.

The game is fun. The mechanics are not very good and the game looks unfinished. So far I am enjoying but I hope it doesn't get repetitive with time, which I very much doubt. I hope they add more things to the world (dungeons are empty, for example). I know this was released last month so I am giving this one a break.

Very simple but beautiful nonetheless.
There's not much to do though besides admiring what's around you which can be a bit disappointing.

Exploring is not the forte of this game as you can't freely go where you want. Chapters are short which makes you feel incomplete.