This game was so much fun! I personally prefer the first 2 generations of Pokemon instead of the next games.
I remember playing this when I was about 8 and I was absolutely addicted. Looking back now, I didn't even know that Pokémon had legendary pokémon and I was always using normal pokeballs to catch the rare ones.

The last league (I don't remember the name) was difficult because you needed to keep on winning against multiple trainers. It's a fun game and I could still play it and enjoy.


This game was probably the game that I played the most on the GBC.
The game is pretty difficult because like most old school games you need to save your extra lives or contrariwise you need to start from the beginning. I could only reach level 2.

One day I was bored and discovered the secret code to play all the levels with infinite lives and my adventure began.

There was a time when I reached the last level and my batteries died and I lost the whole progress. I never touched this game ever since. I am still traumatized

The game is fun but because it is so hard to pass it can become frustrating.

But don't get me wrong, this game was addictive! Maybe because I was always losing and wanted to beat this

I know this game as Deadly Skies and this game was a crap.

Every single level looked like the last one.

I remember that this game was frustrating and very difficult (something typical from GB games)

When Dragon Quest was called Dragon Warrior.
I loved this game!

I don't understand why Mario is the MC in this game. He never shows up except for a few minutes (where you play against him). He's not the focus of this game at all and you don't use him, as a character, in the story

Cool tennis game but that's basically it. You have some power ups you can use to beat opponents easier.

I still didn't finish the game but it's quite fun. The graphics are immersive and I like the shooter quality of this game. The multiplayer is so much fun.

I bought this game because I wanted to play some rip-off of Minecraft but with a better quality.

The world isn't as vast as the world of MC and you can't travel that much (it's very space limited, in other words). That definitely kills the vibe a little but the construction mode is more fun than in MC.
The soundtrack, if I am not mistaken, remains the same as in the old games. I don't know why the developers or whoever never change the soundtrack of DQ games. I think a change wouldn't hurt anybody.

The graphics are nice and the gameplay is fun too.

This game came with my VR gun and I don't know if I am regretting the fact that I bought such an expensive equipment and still never play it. I was so hyped for the VR but when I played this game (one of the three VR games that I have) I was disappointed. The graphics are terrible; some scenes look ok, specially when you look at the sky but the rest feels odd.
I like the gun though. But this is still some very unfinished technology and for that reason, better save the money

Got this one with PSPlus and I'm so ashamed of it. This is definitely inspired by MC but look at that...
You are stuck in a super small island and need to do quests in order to lvl up and change the island you're in. But it's super boring. There's barely anything to do

I got this game due to my plus membership and it's terrible... freacking terrible. If you are into experimental games with a very low budget, give this one a go (or if you are simply a masochist). The game has so many problems (in every aspect) and it's very limited.

It even costs 15 damn euros, without the membership. I've seen way better games for way less. The creators are oblivious or they desperately want money...