Basically the same as my Blue review, so i'll paraphrase in like a sentence. I don't dislike it, but god dang it's pretty rough sometimes.

A very short, sweet game. Perfect example of the classic Disney games of yesteryear. Wonder if the remake is as good as this one...

A fantastic and very worthy DLC to one of my all-time favorites. The bosses are creative and memorable, this DLC contains my favorite aerial boss in the whole game, and the King's Leap is simply a fantastic side-quest. All this for 8 bones?? Total steal if you ask me.

One of my favorites of all time. It's a wonderfully crafted run 'n gun in vain of other games I love, like Super C and Mega Man 4. In fact, I even got an Xbox One S for this game when it first came out back in 2017. The animation is beautiful, the soundtrack is toe-curling, and the gameplay is tight and challenging. There's a reason I've beat this game on three different platforms <3

Actually really fun! It was nice not having Tails constantly screw me over in the special stages. I used to think the Death Egg Robot was impossible with Knuckles cause of his lower jump, but nah. Just takes longer lol.

I mean it's like... good. At it's core, it functions like any other Pokemon game, which shows how surprisingly well it's aged. But if there's one irredeemable quality that sucks so much, it's the freakin ITEM MANAGEMENT. IT'S AWFUL and so easy to run out of space in the computer. Not to mention the backpack is just a big, disorganized list. Also the PC boxes are just small lists and they don't even change automatically I think I actually hate this game

It was pretty cute. Short single-player stuff, but I didn't need much more.

My first Zelda I ever beat. Nuff said I tell ya. The other people in the reviews can say why it's so good.

Okay, I get why people don't really like this one. In hindsight, that is. But this was also one of the first RPGs I ever remember beating, so I'm blinded by NOSTALGIA :D nah but I do have a soft spot for this despite its flaws.

This game seems pretty neat but it felt like... with the crafting and everything, it's almost like it wanted to be an open world game, but it's not. You can't go back to previous areas, so... I kinda just did the brainrot method of hacking and slashing without using items. Maybe that's a skill issue on my part though.

This game was sick! Lots of people talk about how the game falls off in the second half, but it's still pretty cool if you look at it like a Metroidvania in that second half. This game kicks ass. GOD THE IMMERSION MAN

Beat this game's Veteran difficulty in single player and it was HELL BUT I LIKED IT?

Some of the collectibles were a real pain to get, and overall the game just felt good, not great. But it was a fun time nonetheless. This is one I got to 100% completion with.

This is a very fun, but HOLY CRAP DOES IT GET HARD LATER. I couldn't unlock the Master Stages, maybe one day, but I'm content having beaten all Expert Stages.

It isn't quite as good as the Genesis games, but the levels themselves were pretty dope. I didn't care for the bosses, and... I don't even know where the special stages are. Apparently they're like super hidden? Weird.