It's definitely a start, and ain't bad at all! it's just a little sluggish and unpolished.

This is definitely quite the step up from the first game! It's also one of the most overrated video games ever in my eyes! It's good, but like.. it's nowhere NEAR the best imo.

I feel bad for this game, it didn't deserve to be rushed. That being said, WOW this one falls off after the initial 8 Robot Masters. The Doc Robot levels are an insult to 2D action-platforming... oh well, at least the music in this game is fire.

I absolutely adore this game! This is Mega Man done right. Banger soundtracks, sick Masters, a new villain, the charge shot, the complete package!

The amount of ass this game kicks is dangerously high.

This ain't a bad game. It's just kinda generic. Also, it gets really hard towards the end for no reason.

Pretty good start for like.. the first conventional JRPG. Also I'm biased cause I like Dragon Quest.

This is a fun time. I don't like it quite as much as the sequel, but this has to be one of the quintessential run 'n guns.

Man screw this game! DD1 on NES sucks! The only reason it has higher than a 1 star is cause I respect its legacy. There's such stupid stage gimmicks like the blocks in the wall and the platforming.

Another classic. For a long time, I didn't really get the hype behind this one. But one time while trying to play through, it just... clicked. Now I think it's great!

The actual gameplay of this one is fun enough! But... well let's just say I understand "Gradius syndrome" all too well now.

I really like this one! It has kind of an awkward difficulty spike in the very first two levels, but once that's overcome, it's SUCH a gem.

Absolute legendary game. It's just.. so fun to clear this one! I even beat the Second Quest!

This was definitely a better shmup than Gradius. I didn't have nearly as many "Gradius syndrome" moments. It was like I could actually somewhat recover from my mistakes!

Now this is a cool game. Even without a map, I still find it quite enjoyable. It's so atmospheric and it's so satisfying to just grab all those upgrades. I did achieve the best ending in this one.