While this game is not a dumpster fire, this is possibly the most disappointed and soul-sucked I've ever felt playing a game. Nothing about the controls feels satisfying, the car just turns like it has the downforce of 100Gs with no weight at all. The visuals look like stock UE4 assets, the lack of music just makes you think "why" while you're playing it. The main thing I remember is that when I was playing through it, the 2nd 2020 presidential debate was happening. That was less depressing.

Despite some questionable bosses and some poor character control decisions, this game still remains extremely satisfying to play through, and the combat is still quite solid. Great experience with some nice aesthetics.

This game is genuinely insane. Any frustrations I had playing the game are more than made up for the excellent world and feeling of exploration, the great level design and mostly satisfying encounters. I liked this much more than I expected to.

This is the best of the 8 bit games. It genuinely looks great, one of the best looking games of the 3rd gen in my opinion. It leans even less into speed and more into platforming than the genesis version, and mostly just plays as a sort of 3rd gen platformer with pretty decent physics as you'd expect.

How is this game real? It genuinely feels like a bootleg.

I don't care if the 100% sucks. The levels are amazing. One of the best 3D platformers in recent memory, and an absolutely visually stunning game.

Most iconic game of the 7th generation

This game rivals Shadow the Hedgehog in the absolute stupidity of its story, without any of the self-awareness that shadow had.
The game is also not very good.

The basic simplicity of just jumping and spinning, and nothing else, with no frills, is pretty cathartic.

ppl will say the PS3 has no games when it had this smh

The best game to play if your father left you

Nice of Nintendo to finally make a 60fps 3D Zelda, unfortunately, Star Fox Adventures beat them to that title. The QoL improvements are great, and playing it again made me realize how much I actually like the story and a lot of the writing and character in this game. The dungeons are generally pretty cool as well. Still lots of weird stuff though.

I was kind of conflicted on this one, I do quite like a lot about this game, but there are a lot of asinine design decisions that keep me from liking it more, be it boats, the game randomly turning into a cover shooter multiple times in the end, boats, more car sections... It's a good game and absolutely worth playing, but there's a lot here that does not add to the experience or well overstays its welcome.

I really liked this game as kid, then i played it a second time and I really disliked it, then I played it a 3rd time, and had some mild fun with it. It can be cool and it's overall enjoyable enough, but I'm not big on the game structure or overall design. As with most games, it is enhanced with friends.

I really appreciate a lot of the new stuff this adds and personality that is brought to the table, and being able to play as all these extra characters in 3D is simply awesome, but wow, the physics and controls are absolutely the worst of the 3D games. Even if you play on an emulator with an analog patch or 3DS with a circle pad patch, the rewritten physics are just bad, they feel absurdly stiff, especially in the air. I do think it is still worth playing, but it absolutely mars the experience.