Finished the game again on Madhouse after awhile since the first playthrough and oh man I'm still having a blast. The game is amazing

i hate being hunt down by daddy Nemesis :')

My PC was under-spec but i still brute force my way through the game and i still love it. Definitely need to replay at higher difficulty when i got better PC.

RE 2 is such an amazing survival horror game for some one like me who have no history knowledge about the whole franchise at all and yet still enjoin the game. Every aspect of the game is so well done, the sound design is top notch. I have replayed the game quite a few but still tempting to tried out hardcore. The extra modes is also a good thing that get me hook on this game even more.

The franchise never failed to scare the shit out of me

Finished my play through on Hard
Why is this game so good at making cry, omg the ending is just too much for me 😭😭
Everything in this game is perfect
As some one who doesn't play Turn based JRPG that much i would say the combat mechanics is well done
The overall aesthetic of the game is beautiful
And the music, i don't think i have to say anything about the music tho cause we all know ATLUS in general and Persona series to be specific never missed in term of music.
March 5th 😭😭😭😭😭

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte sugu yoko de waratteita nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo I will never leave you! 😭😭😭😭

Masterpiece with a lot of philosophies, metaphor and stuff

One of the best horror game i've ever played. I have watch the whole playthrough multiple time on youtube but when i have a chance to play the game by myself i still shit myself quite often. The game does a pretty good job at making you feel hopeless since you don't have a way to fight back the bad guys it just that simple you run, you hide or you die

i shit myself quite a few times during my playthrough

First Devil May Cry game i ever played as a kid, the game is just an awesome hack and slash experienced with banger soundtrack

i have to be honest, i bought the game just so i can play the zombie mode

good ARPG with banger sound tracks and the memes