Survival Horror that deals with psychological trauma? sign me up, this is art house at its finest, this is Lynch successor.

Best of all time. no explanation needed.

Peak witcher, masterpiece of cinematic and roleplaying storytelling.

Way better than the base game, bosses here grow from generic eldritch abominations to actual bosses with varied mechanics, weapons are more creative and the game actually poses a challenge for the first time, its good but its a shame the story is still poorly designed and the levels are a downgrade, seriously what the hell were they thinking with fishing hamlet and hunter nightmare those are a joke.

Shows its age in gameplay and im glad they are remaking it, but this is still one of the most iconic and impressive games of its time.

Ok i lied i didnt play this on PS2, i played it on the emulator, and i tried really hard to like it, but its absolutely terrible, im sorry.
Gameplay is a piece of shit, the boss fights turn moments of intense characterization to pure comedy, levels are linear and boring, story tries way too hard.
I understand Redditors think its the second coming but underneath the fake hype, its just a terrible game. Good music though, 1.5 points for that!

Greatest Mario game of all time, no contest.
Gameplay here is creativity incarnate, the controls are perfect and smooth and the music omg the music is creme de la crop.