Everybody wrote this game off because of its wacky launch but it aged the best and its one of the best beatem up games of all time.

Underrated af, best Souls game.

A solid attempt at aping Bloodborne, but when you clone a mid game you get a mid game.

Vaas still one of the scariest motherfuckers in gaming.

Fucking zoomers when i was a kid i was dreaming of Runescape membership account which costs 5$, nowadays kids force their parents to buy 300$ worth of shitty skins on Fortnite every month, fuck im salty.


Peak, slay the demons, rip and tear. hell yeah mofos

Dont understand what is the fuss about this tbh, its a mediocre game with generic boss design, generic story and one of most overrated music ever crafted.
I guess Redditors worship it for the aesthetics which are no doubt great, 2.5 points for the amazing weapons and the art style, everything else is bad, its also pathetically easy which was disappointing after hearing how hard it was.

Such an amazing game, highly interactive and has the best physics and traversal systems ever created, i loved this game and its easily my 2nd favorite of the year, if it came any other year it would easily be my GOTY. A true masterpiece of open world game design.

Great game, it has one of my favorite music and stories in games, i just wish i didnt have to replay a lot of tedious parts for the awesome ones.

Behemoth of a game, one of the most important games of the decade with a god tier open world to boast, but i feel after playing Tears of the Kingdom that its flaws are highlighted more, still a great game though.

Its Minecraft, its as good as you are.

Going into Final Fantasy Tactics i expected lots of depth in gameplay systems and story, but little did i know that this game is fucking shallow and boring, love the music and the art style though at least they did well there.


Sexy Greek gods and lots of fast paced kino combat, gimme more.