22 Reviews liked by LoveLoki

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Había que ponerse las pilas, que estamos a nada del lanzamiento de Rebirth y yo todavía sin haber tocado Final Fantasy VII Remake. Que no panda el cúnico, ya está solventado y es oficialmente el quinto jueguito que me paso este año. Pero ahora no sé si realmente tengo ganas de jugar al siguiente.

Sinceramente, creo que el hecho de que me lo haya pasado es por los feels del original y ver cómo lo han adaptado. Pero había momentos en los que bien quería abandonarlo y a otra cosa. Fíjate que ni una secundaria he hecho y he acabado el juego solo conseguí 2 invocaciones.

Y creo que todo ha sido por el combate. Es como que quiere ser un Hack&Slash a la vez que un RPG por turnos a la vez que ¿un souls? Me da la sensación de querer muchas cosas pero ninguna refinada. Y que conste que abandoné la saga en la cagarruta del X-2 y creo que este combate lleva desde el XIII.

Eso sí: la adaptación, los pequeños cambios en la trama, la grandeza visual, la fuerza que tienen los personajes y su historia, la ambientación y música... Todo es un 10 como un pepino.

Pero el combate... Me ha resultado un bucle de Stuns y Colas de Fénix con el que no sé si quiero ir al Rebirth.

Pequeña expansión que sirve para entrar en la saga de Forza Horizon. Como juego es bastante corto pero suficiente para que le pegues unas horitas intensitas y lo pases bien.

Este juego es literalmente un tributo a Jet Set Radio, combinando la jugabilidad de este y la de la saga Tony Hawk Pro Skater, permitiéndote hacer combos mas allá de lo que tu skill de, tiene infinitas posibilidades.

Recomendable si te gusta JSR/JSTR o THPS

Es un imprescindible en DS, es muy divertido y ameno. Ahora voy a sacarme las medallitas que me faltan y los perfects. Vicia mucho, es muy chulo. Jugadlooooo

Por culpa de los bugs mucha gente no sabrá lo bueno que es este juego

This game seems good but after this and Symphonia I think I might just not be a fan of the Tales series on a design level

Qué buen juego, la manera en que reflexionan realmente me hizo pensar, y cómo toma la historia me hizo querer saber más. No es perfecto, pero sí el peak de Tales hasta ahora

Really cool take on pokemon.

Last year I decided to replay Luigi's Mansion after having first played it back in 2018. I had a fantastic time and decided I would replay it every October. Well, Spooky season is now back so it's time for the annual replay. Yeah it's still a ton of fun.

As I stated before in my other review, the short length of this game makes it an ideal one to replay every year I think. I beat it in a day which is perfect since I'm a lot busier than I used to be. The shortness combined with the unrivaled atmosphere, funkiness and control scheme makes this the definitive Luigi's Mansion game in my eyes. There's just little things I love about this game that the other's lack. Like the funky jingle that plays when you pickup keys and stuff or how when you're not interacting with anything, Luigi calls out to Mario when you press the A button. He even has different calls when you're low on health. The one here at 0:04 is my absolutely favorite, has me laughing every time.

This game has that weird 6th gen GameCube charm that I love. 2 and 3 while not bad, both feel sterile in comparison. Idk, nothing is as raw as that ending where Luigi just starts crying and laughing at the fact he's finally reunited with Mario, it's genuinely so heartwarming I love it so much.

As I said in my other review, it does have its faults. I don't particularly like Boolossus. I just think they made it way too tedious to hit the boos with the ice. The high HP boos are also still somewhat annoying, though I feel like they weren't too bad this time around. Again, if they just didn't give them massive amounts of health...or even better just don't let them fly into different rooms, then that issue would be alleviated.

In the end though, I do love this game. Definitely a game I'd like to continue to replay every October and definitely one of my favorite GameCube games. After this I plan on playing Dead Space and Silent Hill, hopefully I'm able to get them in before Super Mario Bros Wonder comes out cuz I'm definitely playing that day 1 lol.

P.S: Oh yeah, this time around I decided not to get all gold portraits. Last year I did and while I'm glad I accomplished that feat, having to gold Sir Weston again doesn't sound like a fun time. I did get mostly golds though which is cool. I also didn't forget the gold diamond in the plant this time around so thank god. Because of that my score was 122,000,000 something which aint half bad. I also forgot to mention I played the hidden mission this time around. I wanna say I played the hidden one back in 2018 as well but i forget if I beat it back then. Enemies do more damage, there's more of them apparently (I didn't really notice a difference) and your vacuum sucks way faster now which was super fun and helpful with those portrait ghosts.

May your heart be your guiding key.

Lo jugué, lo terminé y me enojé.

La música es chef kiss, cyrus miamor gender envy. Disfrutón como el primer día. Mezclar 3D y 2D del pixel art lo hace precioso. Mi rollo.

Don't EVER play this game in a console other than PC