Once in a lifetime game, you can kick children

Confusing game name, good game play

Story and atompshere is very intriguing but gameplay get's dull very fast

Very basic soulslike but the remaster makes it a very clean and enjoyable game

Alright game but introduced bigger maps and more rpg elements to an otherwise perfect francise and dragged it to shite and back. But good pirates game

Decent but hard to get into with bad start imo and ugly framerate.

I remember when no friends wanted to play this with me so I had to do coop using a controller per hand

Technically not bad but worst fromsoft by a mile, no idea why this one is rated so high despite being worse than all others in all metrics other than map sise.

Campaign - Good
Zombies - Peak??
Multiplay - Very good

:vomit: I refuse to keep playing as a dumb wizard