This game aged so well. I don’t have any complaints with it. Obviously the gameplay gets better as the series goes on but simplicity is supreme here. Probably has the best pacing in a game I’ve ever seen. Story, gameplay, and music all great. I actually forgot the plot since I played it last so it all felt fresh in my mind. Honestly this deserves a remake more than 3.

Beat the story in like 2018. Dope time with friends.

That last chapter was better than the whole rest of the game. Will finish review later.

One of the most infuriating game experiences I’ve ever had. Love the aesthetic, setting, and art direction, but the actual game is insane to play now. Horrible checkpoint system, difficulty ramped all the way up, just tough as nails. Nevertheless, a bold direction for the series which in my opinion, made it a very memorable switch-up, even if attended to cash out on action games of its era.

Hell of a grind, got every power cell, precursor orb, and scout fly. Playtime was just shy of 20 hours. A classic game, very different vibe from the rest of the series. Adore the art direction and loved most of the game itself. Few parts like the spider cave were infuriating but the game is really generous with checkpoints and keeping what you collect unlike its successor. Definitely worth a playthrough if it intrigues you.

Downgrade from mw2, just like the original mw3. Seems like they rushed this one out of the frying pan to cash out. Definitely could have been dlc. The story wasn’t even bad, it was just too short and wasn’t really satisfying as a the last two. Majority of the campaign are these “open missions” where you have to complete goals within a map but if you die, you gotta start the whole thing over. It’s frustrating as hell on veteran but they let you keep whatever weapons and upgrades you find throughout the map. A neat concept but no bueno for a classic cod campaign, just seems like a rushed mission structure, especially compared to the last game. The stakes are high in the story, something I love in the reboot story; this one just leaves a bit to be desired. It’s honestly an edging simulator until the next game comes out. Last game I got every campaign trophy but I didn’t even try for this game. It’s not bad and it’s a must play if you’re into the story, just wish they didn’t rush it.

We gooned hard, straight up shevamaxxing till he geekin @kin

Pretty decent game. Some infuriating design choices with the platforming, puzzles, and enemy placement but I guess they had a vision. The HUD and atmosphere are the real winners here. Really makes you feel like you're playing a ps2 game with the janky combat and the other shit that drives you crazy. Definitely a start to the series.

Yapping simulator for an hour and then the game actually starts and had me pissing myself by the second hour. Very meta game, creepy asf so definitely play with someone.

This game has to be a hood classic.
Witty dialogue that isn’t cringe, beautiful graphics and scenery, and a combat system that makes you think about what choices to make instead of rushing in blindly. The story was nice too but I felt some parts dragged on and the ending wasn’t satisfying due to having to do a second playthrough. Final boss was awesome and blew my mind. The whole game in fact is meta as hell. It’s very self aware and not afraid to have fun with you. The graphics look amazing, even blown up on a tv. Character designs are iconic too. The battle system an either let you think your way through battle, or just kill your enemy right away. I mostly spared them but you get different endings depending on your choices. Overall, this is a very good game worth a playthrough at least once and if you aren’t satisfied, give it another go.

A neat mission that lasts a little over an hour. I love Robin so it’s a W. But I liked the mission. Not much here but it’s more Arkham City.

What a sequel. Opening is so strong, throws you straight in there. Took the claustrophobia of Asylum and opened it all up. Love when games do that. Combat is better in every way. Things are more fluid for sure. Villains were stronger in the first game in my opinion but you can’t deny that the Mr. Freeze boss fight was brilliant. But I’m gonna go out on a whim and say the Ra’s al Ghul fight was even cooler. This game felt a lot shorter than Asylum for some reason but I was definitely more satisfied with the ending. That part where Alfred is talking to you and the theme kicks in at the end, the stakes were so high there. The ending was really satisfying too. Asylum and City are both very good games but this does almost everything better.