Great. I think this review would be to damn long if I actually described what I liked about it.

Score: 4.5/5
Letter Grade: A

A 3.4 Avg. Rating is fucking unbelievable for this game. This is a solid 4.5/5 game. I could go on and on about everything that is so good about this game, the lighting, the gameplay, the story, the characters, and the interactivity you have with the world around you is unreal. I would say it's the best 3DS game but Super Mario 3D Land excists. Luigi is such a good character, despite his cowardice, he bravely pushes through to save his brother. Nintendo, never stop making Luigi's Mansion games.

Score: 4.5/5
Letter Grade: A

A really great time. Didn't think that I'd enjoy this series as much as I have. Great Charcters and writing, but most importantly, really fun gameplay.

Score: 4.5/5
Letter Grade: A

A really great time. Story was great and the art style is one of my favorites. Cutscenes were stylish and straight out of a comic book. Loved playing as both spiderman and venom. Swinging and combat could have been a lot better, but for the time this was released, it's pretty damn good. Recomend this to anyone who likes videogames at all. Also its only like 3-5 hours long, so it doesn't over stay its welcome at all.

Score: 4.1/5
Letter Grade: A-

This level of immersion should be studied forever.

Letter Grade: A+

A really great time. One of the best OST's of all time.

Score: 4.0/5
Letter Grade: A-

The best 2K game.

Score: 3.3/5
Letter Grade: B-

This review contains spoilers

Gotta say, I loved this game. From the gunplay and brilliantly interwoven RPG elements, I really enjoyed the gameplay. However, at the moment this game begins you can tell that this won't be as good as the first Bioshock. That doesn't mean that this game is bad though, it's great. Sofia Lamb is definetly a downgrade from Andrew Ryan, but she is till very cunning and evil in her own right. Really like the characters in this game, Sinclair (RIP), Eleanor, Gil Alexander, Sofia Lamb, I really enjoyed them.

The Level Design is worse then the original, but again, only slightly. The Levels aren't as memerable (Excluding Gil Alexander's level and the final level) but they are very intelligently designed. The Bioshock games do something I love, and that's how they put something in every single nook and cranny, escpecially this one. So many times I found something hidden, and the game allways rewards you for looking around. It's especially cool when you find a seceret room.

The Story is again, a downgrade, but it's still great! The search for your daughter that Sofia is so determined to take away from you, fuells you along the way. The little sisters remind you of what you lost, and they keep you going.

The different enemies in this game are really cool as well. The weapons you use to dispose them with are even better in this game, and one of the things I believe Bioshock 2 does better than the original. By the end of the game, I was so damn strong nobody stood a chance. This is where looking through every nook and cranny comes into play, you can find a lot of Gene Tonics and Plasmids to help you.

I've heard people review this game and shit on it like crazy, more so than almost every game I've seen people review. I disagree with this VERY much. This is a fantastic game worth everyones time, and if you like playing games, you should give this a try.

Score: 4.6/5
Letter Grade: A+

Really suprised me with how good this was. Played with my family and it was pretty damn fun. Music was really good aswell. Honestly, for nes standards, it's pretty easy. That's because it allows you to get right back up when you die, you don't have to go back to the begining, you respwn right where you died. The game can be a little criptic, but still, a great time.

Score: 3.4/5
Letter Grade: B

Glad to finally get this off the backlog, now I can focus on some other stuff. I enjoyed the game, but it's very flawed. I still think that it's good though, just very repetative at times. The boss fights epecially leave much to be desired, especially the final boss. Not really sure what to make of the ending, it was ok I guess. Not many options for the player, very linear RPG. However, this game has good combat, intersting characters, and interesting story, and really cool and well thought out locations. I recomend it to anyone who would like this style of game, but probably not to anyone else.

Score: 3.6/5
Letter Grade: B

A flawed, but Magical Experience. Certainly one of the best games ever made, and a top 5 Super Mario game. I used to remember this game being better than the first Galaxy, but now I think Galaxy 1 is better. This is because Mario Galaxy 2 lacks a lot in the story that was so memorable in the first Galaxy. Also, this games levels are pretty significantly harder. Higher difficulty does not make a game worse, it's just that they expeirement a lot, which usually works out great, but a good number of times, it made the levels terribly hard and not so fun. Besides this, The Music is just as good as the original Galaxy, the levels are just as memorable, and the new things they added are stupid fun. The Camera was oddly worse in this, not sure why though. Anyways, one of the best games ever made, and if you like video games, play this game.

Score: 4.7/5
Letter Grade: S

A short but great experience. Mario games are just practicully guaranteed to be amazing, and this one is just that. Love the idea of one giant level with tiny levels in it. There should be some sort of follow up to this game, cause it's that good. Unironically the best game of 2021. Mario stays on top.

Score: 4.5/5
Letter Grade: A

Gotta say, I was pretty suprised just how much I like this game. It's a work of art, not in a Occarina of Time type of way, but this game is just so beautiful to look at. Seriously, the art direction is great and the music is outstanding. The creatures that you take pictures of are beautful, especially the Capibara. The atmosphere is so relaxing and beautiful. The game is very short, but honestly now adays I like to play these really short games since every big game seems to take 50+ hours to beat. The thing that holds this game back is how short it is and how little there is to the actual gameplay. Besides that I highly recomend.

Score: 3.5/5
Letter Score: B

Finally beat this game after having it for like 10 or 11 years. This game is extremely important to me. I grew up with it and played it a ton as a kid. Brings back memories of my Grandma and being at her house playing this. I cherish those memories since my grandmother passed away, so beating this game means a lot to me.

Now to the actual review. I honestly don't really know quite what to make of this game. It doesn't take very long to beat, only like 4-5 hours. This isn't a bad thing at all, just thought I should note it.

The Gameplay is your average 3D platformer, so it's ok. Not great by any means, but ok. Jumps can be a little weird sometimes, the camera screws up a lot so you can't always see the exact spot your going to land. This isn't that bad tho, so I guess I'll give it a pass.

The Animation of the Cutscenes are really well done, and it impresses me that they got it to look like that on a Gamecube. The voice-acting was really well done as well, all characters sound great, especially Bugs and Daffy.

The best thing about the game is the Looney Tunes theme. Looney Tunes is probably the best cartoon franchise of all time, and one of my favorite fictional worlds. They do a great job with the Looney Tunes humor and tropes that makes the cartoon so great.

I really liked the levels and thought they were intelligently designed to be fun and have that good Looney Tune charm. The missions to get the monkeys are nothing special though, and neither are the collectables, but they're an alright distraction from the main game.

Now the worst part about the game. This honestly drops the games rating down pretty hard, and if it wasn't in the game, I might have given this game a 3.8/5. At the end of the game, you reach the door you need to enter to get to the final stretch of the game. Now mind you, this game makes you collect monkeys like they're Stars or Jiggies, but these monkeys are never actually needed to progress to the next level. But for some reason, when you get to that that door, you now all the sudden need 35 monkeys to open the door. There are a total of 45 monkeys in the game so it may not seem like that big of a hassle, but then you realize you have to go through every level and get the bonus monkeys, and the game doesn't just allow you to run through the level freely to do it, you have to do the missions all over again. The ending boss fight isn't even worth all this hassle, and I had to look up what the hell to do to beat that final boss.

Despite that massive hiccup, I still have a special place in my heart for this game, and genuinely had a good time with it. It's good Looney Tunes gaming, and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to play a good 3D Platformer.

Score: 3.4/5
Letter Grade: B