The best 2D Mario ever.

Score: 4.7/5
Letter Grade: S

Not my kinda game. Can get pretty boring, puzzles are a little brain dead. The story is good, but not as good as everyone says, and definitely not good enough for me to recommend people play the game. Acting is good tho.

Score: 2.5/5
Letter Grade: C

The idea that the androids deserve any remorse is crazy. I would definetly be on the side of the protesters that pushed marcus. However, Conor and Hank have a great dynamic and missions that make this game worth while. Funny but dumb game. Trying to relate robots to the civil rights movement is pretty dumb as the androids are genuenly not people or alive at all no matter what the game trys to tell you. Conor is goated.

Score: 3/5
Letter Grade: C+

Want for the collection. Game is Peak.

Score: 4.6/5
Letter Grade: A+

My favorite Sonic Game ever. People who complain about the supposudley massive amount of bugs are full of it. The DX version has it's problems, but the original release is peak sonic gaming .This game can be a bit janky but not even close to unplayable. Music is S tier, Level desing is perfect, and the voice acting is so damn bad it's funny and starts to grow on you. My 7th favorite game ever.

Score: 4.8/5
Letter Grade: S+

The Best 2D sonic game. I haven't played 3 and Knuckles so that might change, but for now this is the best. My second favorite Sonic game after Sonic Advernture. Maybe a top 5 OST of all time. Great Levels and Pixel art.

Score: 4.6/5
Letter Grade: A+

An Obsidian Master Class. One of my personal favorites. Should have won game of the year. Great Characters, Combat, and world. Love it.

Score: 4.6/5
Letter Grade: A+

Gave this game a 3/5 when I first reviewed it. But after replaying it, this game just shows it's lack of substance the more you play. 2/5

Great puzzle game.

Score: 3.7/5
Letter Grade: B+

One of the best experiences in a game. Great Movement and action. Music was good also and the game had an interesting story and characters.

Score: 4.3/5
Letter Grade: A

The Worst Sonic game ever. At least Boom and 06 are so bad it's kinda funny. This game is just sad. Garbage. Deserves a 0.

The Metro Series is one of the best game series ever. They get no where near enough attention. Story rich and extremly immersive. Great World, great gameplay, and great characters. One of my favorite games.

Score: 4.6/5
Letter Grade: A+

Peek of the Resident Evil series. Great game and great story with great gameplay. Funny too.

Score: 4.6/5
Letter Grade: A+

There isn't a single 3D Mario game that isn't a complete Masterpiece. Including 3D world. I prefer it over 64 and Sunshine. Really dumb what you have to do to get to the final world, but still a great game.

Score: 4.7/5
Letter Grade: S

Great game. An experience that is unforgettable narrative wise. A striking art style and a well delivered message. Lacking in the gameplay department, so that lowers its score, but it's still a really great game.

Score: 4.1/5
Letter Grade: A-