The Feeling I got from beating the Ender Dragon for the first time since I started playing back in like 2012 was surreal. It seems weird but beating the game is a massive accomplishment for me. Minecraft is a masterpiece.

Score: 4.8/5
Letter Grade: S+

Batman is one of the Best Charcters in fiction. This is one of the best games ever made. Mark Hamil best Joker. Peak.

Score: 4.6/5
Letter Grade: A+

Every 3D Mario is a Masterpiece, and this is the best of them all. #2 Favorite game ever.

Score: 4.9/5
Letter Grade: S++

A must play. Not only for Batman Fans, but for anyone who enjoys video games. A top tier Lego game for sure with a ton of replay value.

Score: 4.4/5
Letter Grade: A

Yes, the New Super Mario Bros games are unorignal and at times bland. But they're also Mario games, so that means no matter what, they're great.

Score: 4.2/5
Letter Grade: A-

After Stardew came out, it seems like every independently made game has to either be a cozy farm sim, or it must have farming elements. Unfortunatly for those games, Stardew is an actual good game. One that takes inspiration from other great games and instead of copying them completely, builds off of those ideas and creates even better ones. Eric Barone is a Genius.

Score: 4.6/5
Letter Grade: A+

One of my favorites, but it's flaws show the more you play. Still in my top ten ever but every time I replayed it went lower and lower on the list. Still a great game tho. One of the best.

Score: 4.8/5
Letter Grade: S++

My 8th favorite game ever. A masterclass in immersion and story telling in Videogames. A great twist and most importantly, the game is fun. Masterpiece.

Score: 4.8/5
Letter Grade: S+

This game has kinda became underrated. Started the best game series ever and is still to this day one of the best. Great levels, music, and art design. It can be a little janky but that's every NES game.

Score: 4.5/5
Letter Grade: A

I've tried to enjoy this game but I just can't get into it. No idea why these kinds of games even exist. They should just be made into Movies or TV shows (which TLOU did anyway). The gameplay is boring and that's honestly the only thing in a game that means any thing. Going from place to place for simple puzzles and the same shootouts over and over don't interest me. The story is enjoyable and the acting is realy good, but not good enough to make me look past the boring gameplay.

Score: 2.5/5
Letter Grade: C

Should have just been a movie. Combat and puzzles don't have enough substance to them. Story is good, but there's nothing about being a videogame that benefits this story. Gameplay is just meh.

Score: 2.7/5
Letter Grade: C

Just Cause 3 is one of the best and most fun games ever made. So when I heard that Just Cause 4 was releasing I was pretty excited. Unfortunetly, for me this is probably the most disapointment I've had in a game. JC3 was pure fun, I'm not sure what you call this tho. JC4 is a broken mess with stupid ass story, bad characters, and a bad open world to fly around. I hope the Just Cause series comes back, and I hope it's nothing like this.

Score: 2/5
Letter Grade: D-

A true Masterpiece. If it wasn't as janky as it is, it would be the perfect game. Music, Level Design, Characters, etc. are all perfect. Every part of this game is a work of art. Mario is the king of video games.

Score: 4.8/5
Letter Grade: S+

Pretty good. Was expecting a bit more, was left a bit disappointed, but the game was still a good time. Doesn't cost very mush so that's a plus. A very solid game.

Score: 3.2/5
Letter Grade: B-

Better then the main story which was already amazing. The best DLC ever.