It's a ticket redemption game that actually has real gameplay and a generally reasonable jackpot. Its not bad

Decent Puzzle-Platformer but it's just kinda unmemorable and I always felt de-motivated to play it because of how unfair its expectations for time trials are

OSFE is the best roguelike I've played in my life on top of being a great BN successor and I think every roguelike needs to try imitating the sheer oomph of its rewards system

It's better mechanically than the first three smashes but Smultimate invalidates everything about its existence except for Smash Run/Tour

the game that becomes more fun the worse everyone does

the star wars mechanics were fun but suuuuuuper hard to figure out, they really over-relied on microtransactions to balance out the difficult

some of the new gimmicks are overdone but still fun overall

the Good Normals (tm) game; yashamaru is raw

the slime gimmick stops being cute when you realize how trashtastic the level design is and how slow you move

the good is that it's an all-around improvement on 1 - very cool-looking pre-rendered bosses, good overall improvements to the depth - usual shmup sequel steps. the bad is that this game leans full-on into the bullet hell style that the original microscopically dipped its toe into, but it still has firepower and an overall gamefeel that's tailored for classic shmup antics. Also a bit too hard imo, and not in ways that make me really wanna sink my teeth in and practice.

very nostalgic for this one. some minigames fall flat but the majority are really fun. Very fun use the touchscreen alongside classic Looney Tunes moments.

The artstyle is a step down but I was happy to see the cast and story get fleshed out with proper backstories and more between-battle interactions

I was only able to play Books 1 & 2 cause my emulator refused to work with the ram cart. Both books were good but I think they're better enjoyed on GG where the shrunken down structure feels more natural.