12 reviews liked by Mahmoud

Stop trying to "modernize" games while ignoring the original intent in its game design.
The MGS2 mechanics completely break this game in half and the new music is awfully generic.

A pretty average game that outstays it’s welcome due to mind-numbingly boring challenges that are needed to progress the story for some stupid reason.

Holy shit this is a hard one to play.
Visuals and music were phenomenal for the most part I got more from what I desperately wanted after playing the first game.
I just wish Bayo 2 got a PC Port like the first one, because with higher resolutions the artstyle REALLY shines and gets elevated a lot, while on the switch it just looks okay. Hard to play the second one on Switch after Bayo 1 on PC, I gotta be honest.

I HAVE to rate Bayo 2 lower for how they fucked up the combat system. The intricate deets are already out there, so I won't really elaborate on why Bayo 2 falls completely flat in comparison to the first one. How they made witch time the main focus of this game is frustratingly irritating as all your moves outside of it are useless tho.
Yes, it is fun for the first two hours because you just breeze through absolutely everything on normal, but the longer the boss fights get, the more did I cry to have encounters like Jeanne back, because her move-set was so meticulously crafted that she felt like an equal opponent without giving her a move that just cancels your attack, your combo and hits you with a follow up attack to punish for what you could not have seen coming.
I wasn't really goot at Bayonetta's combat, but even I felt how the second game just butchered the entire flow of gameplay and grew to appreciate 1 even more.

Overall a fun ride tho, but nothing I would voluntarily play a lot more of.

If it wasn't for the shitty jumpscares and the really bad bugs at the end, this would be a 10/10 masterpiece

A worthy remake of an already amazing game. Different to stand on it's own while having a ton of respect for the original.

A really solid first half completely ruined by its second act. Making the player go back through areas we’ve already visited not only removes tension because we already know what’s coming, but it’s made painfully annoying by having the entire back half of the game be an escort mission. The frustration I felt completely overshadowed any genuinely good moments I had by the end of the game.

Charming and very beautiful indie game with a great soundtrack and a perfect fusion of anime/cyberpunk aesthetics that is held back by an unimaginative story and mediocre action combat.

Whoever designed that garbage 5 minute walk in the middle of a snowstorm with deers one shotting you randomly, deserves to get in that same situation in real life. All that to reach a trash recycled boss

Kane & Lynch: Escape 2 Africa's recent reappraisals might be giving it a bit too much credit, but there's an undeniable charm about a game that is so committed to a particular aesthetic or theme, especially one as dour as this. It's about 2-3 hours of misery-porn that won't appeal to everyone, but it has a certain crowd.

Honestly, I understand the hate, it probably deserves it, but I absolutely loved the visceral nature of the combat and the shaky camera that feels like it’s following you around and you shoot up a market. It’s a depressing game but I think it has merit.