This is my favourite game of all time. It truly excels in pretty much every aspect.

The grungy early 2000s vibe is on point, with characters being a mix of funny one-offs and a compelling hero's journey.
Planets are varied and colourful with the best soundtrack in the series and one of my favourite OSTs ever.
Guns are simpler than future entries but they hit those key archetypes and are still super fun with some great gadgets as well. (the trespasser is my favourite puzzle gadget in the series)

This is easily the game i've played the most amount of times, i've probably played through it over 100 times at this point and its currently the only game i've got into speedrunning for because i could play this forever

A real step forward towards the franchise they wanted to become, pushing more towards a run and gun game compared to the first.

Guns feel much better here and the addition of strafing makes the combat flow well.

A weaker story and villian hold it back compared to the first with planets that don't stand out as much to me.

I think this is the peak of character and humour in the series. The Q-Force are great, full of some classic folk from the earlier games.

Another banger soundtrack and the gun systems finally feel fully fleshed out here for the first time.

Courtney Gears is an all time great.

A bold direction to go for the series even if it is more of a spin-off in tone.

The natural progression the series was going, being less and less focused on platforming each game. I think it works here as a one-off but im glad this wasn't the style going forward.

A fun story with great characters, the announcers are great in each level. Some of the best weapons in the series, gotta love the Leviathon Flail

It's still a R&C game so i'm still loving it, but this suffers from Early-PS3 ugliness and this is a big step down from the PS2 era in terms of visual design. Things look plastic and gross alot.

Very short and kind of pointless but it's not bad. The main island is pretty good with a solid blend of platforming to balance out gunplay but in general, just not much to this game.

This is pretty easily the best PS3 era R&C game, visuals are a step up (even if still not my cup of tea) and the story is maybe the best since the original. Characters are great and bosses are fun.

Having Ratchet and Clank be split up for a lot of it was risky but it really works. Ratchet's new hoverboots are super fun and make for great traversal and clank has a great series of puzzles that could honestly be a whole game on their own.

Nexus NAILS so much: Guns, Atmosphere, Character, Planets... But then it just ends, if this was a full length game I really think it would stand up there as one of the best in the series.

On top of that, the framerate REALLY hurts the game. The game feels slow and its very noticeable.

Size Matters is a bit of a jank mess, but I kind of still love it. There's some fun gadgets here and I think the Clank bot-battles are interesting.

A lot of the issues are because it was originally a PSP game and it shows. Also, the final boss is ridiculous in all the worst ways.

It's fine for what it is but I really just don't care that much about FFA. Characters are ugly and annoying and the game is so short (which i guess could be a blessing)

Wish I had friends to play this with lmao

R&C PS4 is a 7/10 with a MAJOR asterisk attached.

The score is for gameplay and visuals and THAT'S IT. Visually this game is beautiful and finally nails an HD Ratchet style and gameplay is better than ever!

Character and story though... it's maybe the WORST they've ever been. It's tied way too close to the movie to the point they just play scenes from the film as cutscenes and its just such a butchering of the original game.

An absolute masterpiece that takes all of the improvements that the PS4 game made in style and gameplay but then adds an ACTUAL GOOD STORY, with good characters.

This is the best RAC game in decades, probably since RAC3 and the Original.

This is really such a step in the wrong direction for me with Lego games.

For the past decade now, Lego games have struck a good balance between a selection of story missions (normally around 10-15 length missions with puzzles throughout) and an open world collectathon. These two aspect compliment each other as you would normally unlock more in open world to then use in the levels in free play mode.

The Skywalker Saga has next to no actual Story Mode content, the majority of following the movies plot here involves simply walking through corridors or escorting an NPC. ITS AWFUL. If you like playing the levels in Lego games, do not play this game.

Literally 95% of content is in the open world now and while that content is fine, it doesn't make up for everything lost.

I'd just like to thank Backloggd for allowing me to find this game again. For YEARS now, i've had this vague memory of a PS2 game that I grew up with and enjoyed, but just couldn't remember enough details to put a name to it.

While setting up my account here I finally found and remembered this childhood classic of mine.