Played on proud mode, its pretty good but the final section drags on for a looooooong time.

The Canadian beta was quite impressive and I enjoyed my time very much, the game is a bit repetitive tho so I hope they add new modes to switch things up!

Holy shit this was way better than chapter 1!

Was originally going to go for 100%, but the game is a bit too boring for me, at least post-game, the base game was pretty decent and I had a lot of fun.

Easily one of the best Mario Spin-offs, very addicting and very satisfying to 100%!

Its better than Super and Super Circuit, not any better than the others that came after, but not a bad game either.
(Played on the Switch, its not an option on the website at the time of me writing this)

Played it for free with the NSO trial, had more than enough time to play it all, its a very very very good game with major flaws in the control department, even in handheld, the game just doesn't feel super good, if you can play it on the ds, play on that instead.

Who thought remixing Yoshi’s theme 17 times instead of making original songs for the game was a good idea?

Transformice is based, go give it a try!

Had a lot of promise, but the lack of a pc version, shitty online, and just terribly grindy to unlock everything turned it into a big disappointment for me.

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It was based and amazing and inspector Hosonaga is the best