The anniversary version makes a classic nicely playable again, with the great graphics swapping option. Playing with pc controls also is a big plus, but the game has still aged heavily.

On some fronts worse than Human Revolution, but on others better. Great DLC too.

Really enjoyed the first of the reboot series. I know it was thrown around way too much in the reviews back then, but it did show a more vulnerable side to Lara. Sadly the game still wants to give you a big power fantasy, so outside of cutscenes you don't notice much of it. But the bow and semilinear levels made this great for me.

Thought it was really great when I first started, but unlike many others I don't enjoy the nemesis system. All the immunities building up combined with more orc leaders joining in fights made combat unenjoyable in later stages. I finished the campaign because there are cool powers and the main missions are fine.

One of the first real games I ever played, blew me away. We did however constantly get lost since we didn't understand English and the reuse of maps and everything looking like concrete gets super confusing.

Great core mechanic, intriguing story, sometimes puzzles a little annoying.

A different experience than the mainline games, but not THAT different in the end. The missions can be played in a slightly freechoice order, but the Rookie still handles quite like a Spartan. The game is darker in art and story, andore emotion is allowed into it, which lent itself worse to a coop shooter that we were playing on a small tv with not enough brightness.

Replayed this when it came out as part of the MCC on PC. With decent contrast and some more years of experience playing videogames, we managed to beat the entire game in 2.5 hours, which is less than a third of what it must have taken me when I was younger. Had an absolute blast in that time though.

Serviceable one and done shooter. Don't really recall any specifics, but I enjoyed it for the money I paid for it (it was free).

This rerelease is even more impressive than that of Halo CE. The cutscenes look amazing, and the game feels great. It allowed me to see that the campaign is definitely better than that of CE as well, better than any aside from Reach actually in my opinion.

Surprisingly good game. Much of the banter between the group is really nice, sadly it gets cut off by new banter triggering too often, which feels really bad. Combined with some truly awful QTE and very mediocre puzzles, it doesn't quite become amazing.

I never actually owned this game, but must have played through it at least five teams at a friend's place. This is also when we would get a couple friends together and play local PvP on a way too small tv with way too elaborate rules. Fond memories.

One of my favorite games of all time, still gives me shivers. Even though the difficulty could be higher to better drive the point home, the writing and feel are just amazing.

When first playing this, I was not impressed by the new additions like dual wielding. The 100% accurate jackal snipers and resetting to checkpoint on coop deaths made for a painful experience, keeping Halo 1 as the better game in my nostalgic mind. (More in anniversary review)

Love it. Hilarious, sad, thought-provoking and self-criticising, wish there was more.