Super fun game, possibly my favorite in the series.

I really liked the battle gameplay improvements over Yakuza LaD, guard-breaking and weaknesses are so much easier to understand, the proximity/AoE-based attacks help make the battles feel more dynamic.

Storywise it's a lot more of what you can expect but the Hawaii setting made this game feel refreshing.

The new jobs and skill inheritance system are very fun to play around with.

Much better game than the first one, in every aspect that I can think of. It's about as good as Saga is for it's respective genre. It'd be cool if they remade this one in the future.

I like a lot of things about this remake:
The upgraded graphics look very nice
The added character animations add a lot more emotion to the dialogue.
The QoL updates make the backtracking far less annoying.
The remixed and added music were, for the most part, really cool.

Though I will also say the way this remake 'feels' is noticeably less fluid and kinetic than the GC version, especially in battles. I'd love to see Nintendo patch the more sluggish elements of this remake in the future.

It'd be better if you could just use a safe box like other games in the series. The backtracking was terrible. Otherwise, it's alright.

It was my favorite Crash game growing up, though now I'd give that to the 2nd game. Nowadays, while still a classic, I find the level variety too unbalanced. Of 30 levels, 4 are jetski, 4 are racing, only 2 are swimming, only 2 are Pura runs (and they're at the beginning), 3 are airplane levels, and the other half are traditional platforming. Could've axed one of the racing levels for an extra future level and axed one of the jetski levels and had another Pura level (would've been nice to have a really hard one towards the end).

Another thing that would've been nice (This criticism applies to a lot of the old Crash games) is making the final boss after collecting all the Gems different or harder rather than just doing the same thing again.

I could see how this was so highly revered back in the day, still holds up damn well

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This is the best FF I have seen in terms of blending the open exploration into the story that I've seen in any game after the PS1 era. This formula rocks and I'd love to see FF17 take inspiration from this style.

The combat is extremely fun, Synergy attacks really spice things up and I enjoyed seeing all the combos.

Story-wise, I loved almost all of it, the new twists and differences from the original kept me on my toes, mostly pleasantly surprised me though, like Remake there were a few missteps IMO.

The ending though... that was... something else. I knew it was gonna get weird after the way Remake ended, and I'm conflicted on this direction. I was never too big on them doing the whole multi-universe stuff in this trilogy because it just makes the story too convoluted, and it's very easy to mess up.

I'm not sure what to expect from Part 3 but we'll see how it goes.

I'm glad to have finally finished this but I don't think I'll ever play this or Zelda II again.

Pretty cool short slasher game. It's a game where you have to kill all the people in the quickest time possible, so rather than stealth it's more like Hotline Miami but only you have weapons, and you lose if they escape. Fun to play on Christmas Day.

My favorite Puppet Combo game so far. Simple but creepy and claustrophobic.


Beautiful game, amazing music, awesome atmosphere.
Short but sweet.