12 reviews liked by MattsCarvalho

Since the beginning of video games, controls have been a headache for both programmers and end users. Through the years, bad controls have been used both as a tool and an excuse to increase the difficulty of the game, pretending to be there on purpose. After saying that, I will never understand why a full remake doesn't fix the bad controls of the original version!

Very cute and casually fun game with a spooky aesthetic. Colorful world, funny enemies, and awful controls. You will get better at the game when you master the use of the dash for everything, but the controls, especially the jump, will annoy you when you try to get things done. An okay game with annoying controls.

Glitching and frame-rate problems in the first minute of the game already? It's a no from me!

Sorry, I'm not a "gamer." I won't tolerate buying a defective product in the name of addiction.

After enjoying everything about Civilization Revolution on PS3, I decided to try the main series for the first time. Since I bought it in 2020, I have never finished a single match in this game.

The presentation and graphics are great, even the menu design and soundtrack. Overall, it is a very well-crafted game. However, playing on the PS4 is quite annoying. There are too many menus that are difficult to access using the buttons, and the text is too small. It seems like they just copied and pasted the PC version without considering the difference in resolution or adaptability.

I was expecting the matches to be long, but they are too long, and it is easy to lose your units over the map. I have tried to play three times, but each time I kept looking at the clock to keep an eye on my other chores during the day.

It looks like an amazing game, but I will never have time to play it, and if I did have time, I would choose to do more productive hobbies. Unfortunately, I will never play this game again.

Good game, but this is the start of the downfall of the franchise.
Amazing sprite work in characters and scenarios. The characters' presentation and artwork are amazing, and the color edit is a fun touch in the series. K', the new protagonist, has some charm and charisma, but the rest of his team makes no sense. The new characters have good designs, but they don't blend well with their teams. And about the gameplay: why did they make the controls so stiff? Back in the day, I was shocked at how hard it was to make a simple special move compared to KoF 97 and 98. Good game, but it's just not better than 98...

This game is still enjoyable today, and it was the mold that created many games that came after it.

Very cool shooter game! It has cute graphics, responsive controls, and a nice soundtrack. Like many older games based on arcade structures, this one gets hard pretty quickly. Anyway, it's a fun game that's best enjoyed with friends.

One of the best time-wasters on mobile. A very light game with a simple interface that can keep you entertained while waiting in a long line. You can download and have fun without any problems.

Bonus: No adds

When i bought this game back in the day i remember clearly the owner of the game store saying it was almost impossible to find it for me. Very fun game in general. The engine developed by capcom only for this game looks great on PS2. Each stage play differently from each other which adds variety in the gameplay. The soundtrack is beautiful. Capcom made this game with care, a love letter to the fans of the series.

Very solid game with cracks in every point of its foundation. For modern gamers, this game will feel short, but for me, the campaign length and pacing are just right.
The gameplay is very well-made and engaging, but the combat and stealth feel a bit simplistic. The graphics are great (with minor glitches on the PS4 Slim version), but the sound design is generic, and the excessive podcast audios and conversations are absurdly annoying in the middle of the action.

The story is disappointing, predictable in both plot structure and political nature: the white, wealthy company man is evil, and the black villainess is justified. Private corporation figures are portrayed as greedy, while public politician characters are holy saints. Miles has zero personality and gravitas. Ultimately, it's an American product, preachy and full of pandering.

Play it only if you liked the first one and wished it were more preachy in its far-left politics.

Note 1: I played this game before playing the 2018 one.
Note 2: This will be one of my last American-made gaming products. In the future, I plan to play fewer and fewer games in general, and I will also avoid consuming Western entertainment content altogether.

This is a very fun and cute game with amazing presentation, graphics and sound. It is very easy and kid-friendly, too. The sound of Mario crying as a baby is a bit annoying, but you get used to it. It is one of the best platformers to play on the SNES.