Very unique gameplay and way to tell a story in general. Paperwork was tedious and overwhelming, as it should be, and the many dilemmas it presents are very thought provoking. I wish I could emotionally connect a little more though.

Neat, good translation of celeste to 3d but I wish the controls and camera weren't so awkward

Better fighting mechanics than 4 but I really miss the character stories and the aesthetics of that game. The story mode is so nothing until the final fight. Also assists are probably good for accessibility but who thought it would be ok to have electrics be mapped to ONE BUTTON

Sick movement and a decently fun world to explore. I wish there was a bit more direction though, a map at the very least.

The fact that this game holds up so damn well, has such brisk pacing, has so much content, and is polished to this degree is astounding. You could tell me this is the best game of all time and I'd have a hard time disagreeing.

first three zones are honestly alright and have a decent sense of flow to them. the last two zones on the other hand are genuine dogshit and when there are only five zones that is not good. That's not even mentioning how butt ugly the game is. I would not call it the worst sonic game though.

Super impressive graphically for a 3DS game and a really solid dex (even if it would be nice to have some higher base speed stats). Unfortunately the routes are very boring in order to be more naturalistic. The story is one of the better ones in the series but good fucking lord it could really stand to back off from time to time. I am not usually the type to complain about too much reading but fuuuck man let me play the game.

delightful from top to bottom. even as someone who isn't a huge playstation guy the sheer amount of love this displays for its legacy is infectious.

Decent classic sonic game with bosses that do not know when to fucking END they consistently took up half of a level's playtime or even more

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Spends a lot more time in a single area which severely cuts down on variety and I think it's why it felt like it overstayed its welcome a bit. Aside from that it's more outer wilds, so it's fantastic.

Teal mask is ok, the region doesn’t have that much to do but with how short the campaign is it doesn’t really overstay its welcome. It also has a nice self contained (mostly) plot. Indigo disk is the real highlight though, so many great old mons plus the best fights in the entire game, please make a completely doubles focused game next time.

The new focus on speed is appreciated and the new way the items are implemented makes this probably the better campaign over shovel of hope

Solid 3D Sonic game with a very promising direction. Level design is more open than it has been in a LONG time and there's a welcome focus on physics in the controls. The padding and sometimes unreliable controls hold it back a bit though.

have only finished story mode with Hwoarang but the game has a killer atmosphere. As someone who doesn't play a lot of fighting games at all I found the combat fairly satisfying and easy to pick up (after half hour in training mode) but don't take my opinion too seriously here lmao

a jarring step back in quality from base 8, but comes frustratingly close every now and then. But hey, more Mario Kart is more Mario Kart.