A very faithful translation of the game on PS3 but man oh man does the presentation take a hit. I can excuse the downscaled models but good lord the sound mixing is horrible.

Creates the basis of Tekken gameplay going forward while still retaining some of the stronger story elements from Tekken 4. Jinpachi is kinda bullshit though.

Semi interesting visual novel but it feels like a borderline ripoff of papers, please. Oppressive vaguely soviet regime, main gameplay loop being paperwork that you need to approve or deny, side plot about a secret organization trying to overthrow said government, you get the picture. This would be fine if it didn't do all of these things consistently less interestingly.

Evie is cool though, I like her.

a decent on rails shooter with a neat branching structure, it's just not for me

HORRIBLE first impression, janky the whole way through, incredibly low budget and you can tell, and some SUPER hit or miss voice acting. BUT the ending honestly made it feel worth it, somehow some way I was almost crying.

also deer man is incredible I love him deerly

they added a map, the game has gone from an 8 to a 9

This game is impressive as hell for the PSP. Feels incredibly smooth and having this on actual hardware probably would have been insane. The story content is heavily neutered compared to the console counterpart and Azazel is just not fun at all to fight.

I am rereviewing after finishing neutral and genocide and I do think I was a little harsh before. I still think it's a far cry from Undertale proper but this game has its moments. The unique fights in genocide are a tad bullshit at times but are still a fun challenge, Flowey is much more entertaining when he actually gets to contribute meaningfully, and I actually felt quite bad when killing monsters so y'know what kudos to the devs.

an incredibly convincing imitation of Undertale that doesn't come remotely close to any of its emotional highs.

vast improvement over the first, we're getting close to Tekken actually feeling good to play

Mad impressive how early they nailed Tekken's gameplay. This is also when they add all the cool characters (Hwoarang my beloved)

New QOL stuff and (mostly) upgraded presentation make this pretty firmly the best way to experience Persona 3. Shame they couldn't do much about Tartarus

does its job, but won't leave an impression