The best Tekken has ever felt to play, the best Tekken has ever looked, and the best story Tekken has ever told. They finally fucking nailed it.

Movement took some serious getting used to but once I did I realized just how much cool shit you can do in this game. However, even by the end there were some things that never quite felt consistently good (riding on the yoyo, jumping on the yoyo, stuff like that) and there's a fair bit of unpolished areas here. Still, a great time if you're willing to put in the effort.

Edit: fantastic soundtrack too. Tee Lopes is on it, that's a given I know but even other composers like Sean Bialo were COOKING

Deeply harrowing yet still has me crying tears of joy at the end

While more polished in some areas and telling a much more moving story I honestly preferred the original Metroid somehow.

Been a little under a year since I first played this and I only like it more and more the more I think about it, love this game man

Noticeably stronger and more kinetic level design than the first still can't distract from the fact that these games' horrible art styles make readability a nightmare on top of awkward controls

full of personality but I don't think it'll leave much of a lasting impression on me

cute little flash game that handles its subject matter well

There is a stage called "Snoop Dogg" that features a song by Snoop Dogg rapped by Snoop Dogg in the background.

adorable but ultimately just a novelty

My first full experience with a Kanto game. Obviously a bit of a rougher region design-wise compared to future gens but honestly I think it makes Kanto pretty charming. Later gens have a tendency to feel a bit overdesigned so I appreciate how little fucks the game design gives throughout. That's not to say Kanto isn't full of some smart design either, there was clearly some serious thought into how to lay out a map like this. The dex, while DEFINITELY outclassed later can be better appreciated in a space where it's only gen 1 mons as opposed to a cool new region with a bunch of cool new pokemon also still having fucking zubats and geodudes everywhere.

A very faithful translation of the game on PS3 but man oh man does the presentation take a hit. I can excuse the downscaled models but good lord the sound mixing is horrible.

Creates the basis of Tekken gameplay going forward while still retaining some of the stronger story elements from Tekken 4. Jinpachi is kinda bullshit though.