A solid little action rpg. Luke’s arc is incredibly engaging and carries the story.

Charming visual novel with a unique visual style and genuinely funny writing. The game has 3 endings but each feels very limp.

Out of the trilogy I feel the first has the strongest story start to finish. The setting is pitch perfect and you really can empathize with the characters. Monokuma is legitimately hateable in this game, a far cry from the lovable mascot he kinda becomes in the next two. The ending and middle chunk aren’t great though, hence why it’s not a 10.

While having a weaker plot, DR2 probably has the stronger cast and trials. Chapter 5 especially is a great example of both, presenting a seemingly impossible conundrum only for it to later be solved in the most heartbreaking way possible.

It’s still a Danganronpa, it’s still good, but up until the ending it is easily the worst one in my mind. I find it hard to get invested in most of the characters, the trials aren’t as interesting, and the setting is just a lamer retread of the first game. The ending, while divisive, was honestly my favorite part.

It’s pretty good up until act 3 at which point it takes an absolute nosedive in quality. Play Abyss instead.

Still my favorite Xenoblade. In contrast to the blistering speed of combat in the next entries the combat here feels very deliberate. The commitment to a consistent world on two massive titans is still just so damn cool.

The area design has become much denser and more varied from Xenoblade 1 and the combat, while a bit too fast, holds so much depth. Shame the tutorials are god awful and the story sucks for the first 3 chapters.

A distilled Xenoblade experience with a well contained story, insanely fun combat, and great sidequests. The only thing holding this game back is the fact that sidequests are mandatory which kills replayability.

memes aside it's a fun time, even if a bit repetitive.

Very charming game, holds up really well considering it’s an early snes game.

The Persona gameplay loop is inherently addicting. If you get tired of dungeon crawling, do some social stuff, and vice versa. Backed up by some of the best visual design period and almost arcadey combat it’s near impossible to put this game down.

A tough as nails platformer with killer controls and a legitimately emotional story.

Playing around with 5 unique gameplay styles in a Mega Man game is really fun but the structural issues hold it back significantly.

About as fun as you'd expect but not much more