I laughed at many of the kid deaths. I won't give more context then that bye-

This game kinda define my life. What is those badly it make up for it with the art style, soundtrack and surprisingly good level design (at times...) and defining my life this game kinda stop me for being a homophobic asshole when i was a teen and my how i draw today! It not perfect but i will always love it for what it was and is: funny cookie game!

It tested my patience... Way to hard. I'm happy of time i have enjoying the game but FUCK SAKE UPGRADE MY FUCKING HOUSE ALREADY!

Idk why the fuck i love this game so much because it retrospect it doesn't offer much besides the story but yet it works... IT WORKS!!

A game with a lot to give yet so little at the same time and yet... I enjoyed it a lot.

One of my first ever mainline Kirby games and damn what a first expression! It a wonderful example of how ya do a cute story with dark undertones so well! And it kinda the reason why i love Kirby so much even before playing any of his games: the mensaje of being optimistic even if the world is against ya is shown at it fullest here and honestly... Noted!

This game is complicated one for me it one of the best sonic games of all time but at the same fucking time it still really damn mid. I'm glad that they made it best as it could, I'm glad it successful as it is and it have truly great stuff in it that improves sonic series tremendously but the mediocre story, unfinished animation, the reused of zones from past games and the terrible TERRIBLE ending really does ruin it. The best i can hope is that sonic team with the big team they have now can improve upon frontiers and actual make great game on their hands! Sonic frontiers can be fun but it kinda mid in the grand skim of things...

What i can only say about this game is well... This is just timeless, no matter how old I get or how my tastes change, i will always come back to this game one way or another. Yeah it true for a lot of games i owned but this is special, it not just like other games where i just enjoy the gameplay again; for celeste i just want to experience it again. That what for me find different with good games vs great games: a good game it fun all the way through and nothing then that but a great is where everysingle artistic part of game clicks and gives ya not just a fun experience but an experience that last the life time. Celeste is one of those games. Play it and ya will understand.

Let me get one thing straight: yes, this game have a lot of problems and i get why people don't like it, honestly my biggest problem with the game is the lack of a consistent art style. I love the 2d ecstatic i really do but it way to inconsistent sometimes it look good and other time like are the after turf version of peak plateau. There's the other problem like some levels dragin for way to long, the requirements for beating the game are not freeing enough (if that make sense...), people not liking the ending... I disagree but ya do ya and some extra modes being annoying as hell to complete (I'm talking to ya Arena and THOSE STUPID BALLS-). But can i ignore those issues and enjoy as the fast paste platformer it meant to be? Hell fucking yes! The only thing i hope for demon turf is that we get a sequel to that actually fixes a lot of the stuff i mention! This is just so fun to fuck around with and the stuff that it does right it does really right!