I can't say this game looks particularly good, runs flawlessly, or that it isn't Saints Row 3 with a few new things to do.
But I find Saints Row 4 is both fun, and funny even after 8 years. The writing is great, full of nerdy references and jokes.
For a series that has progressively gotten sillier as it went on, this feels like the natural climax of that. A joyous romp

Dead Space 3 isn't bad. It's worse than that, it's disappointing. Especially compared to the first 2 games
The game brings very little new to the table, and the stuff it does bring is worse than in the previous games.
While the weapon crafting is okay, and it's nice to be in a different setting, the game is a predictable slog to get through.

Still a fantastic Rouge-Like, whose influence can be seen in many games since.
However, Rebirth just adds more stuff, is more polished, and just overall better in nearly every facet.
There's not much reason to come back to this besides nostalgia.

Burnout 3 holds up extremely well compared to most racing games, or just games in general, from the PS2 era,
Perfect arcade fun, handling that feels great and a killer soundtrack. Smashing into things has never felt so great.
The peak of the series, and one of the best racing games ever made, a cathartic few hours of chaos and carnage.

The best way to describe this game is that you explore a Morowing-esqe world, with no combat, and doing basic quests.
The game looks beautiful, and the paintings can look great. There are a few glitches, and some models look off.
Eastshade captures the feeling of exploring an interesting world for the first time and doesn't outstay its welcome.

A truly beautiful visual and auditory experience, bursting with colour, character and energy, few other games capture.
While its platforming and Simon says music sequences are pretty basic, it doesn't break the groovy flow the game has.
A perfect example of style over substance, but it has so much style you can't help but be taken in by it all.

Not a bad party game but it doesn't have the variety in rounds and prompts.
'Sub the Title' is by far the strongest part of this game and I'd love to see it developed more, maybe into its own game
It can pass a few hours if you want something different to play, but any Jackbox pack is a better investment

The only one in the series that I'd argue is actually scary at times, although that isn't for long
It has a strong atmosphere and world, although its pacing jumps around a bit, and Isaac is a pretty dull character.
A solid beginning to the series, and probably my favourite of the trilogy. Well made, if somewhat clunky at times.

The first game of which I have a memory of being underwhelmed and disappointed by., and I know why now.
Competent is the best way to describe this game, from it's track design, to models, to gameplay. It's all just okay.
Not bad, but very much in the shadow of CTR, and with Nitro-Fuelled existing, there's little reason to go back and play this.

A good follow up to the 1st game, but I find for each improvement, something has taken a step back.
Isaac controls smoother, and gun play is better but now Isaac doesn't shut up, and the game focuses on action and setpieces
It overall averages to about the same level as the first, good 3rd person shooter with an interesting world.

Playing this game in Single Player as I did, Borderlands 2 is not a great experience, with lots of repetition in parts.
It's RPG components are lacking, shooting average, enemies have too much health, and quests are tedious.
Friends will probably make up for its shortcomings, and Handsome Jack steals the whole show with how good he is.

Singularity is a Frankenstein's monster of other games, including Call of Duty, Bioshock, Half-Life, Bulletstorm and more.
Using the time travel device is quite fun, as is catching a barrel in mid-air, but the gunplay is very standard.
Overall, it's a solid B-level game with a couple of neat ideas, but isn't as good as the games it takes inspiration from.

A dating sim with a huge number of events and storylines to go through, with each playing out differently
It's humor certainly leans into what I can only describe as 'Tumblr-y', but I didn't find it to be off-putting
If you're not a fan of the genre, Monster Prom probably won't change that. If you are though, it stands as one of the best out there

A GTA-clone through and through, but certainly one of the better ones out there, even if it's on the shorter side.
The game can look visually fantastic in the neon lights of Hong Kong, especially for a game from 2014.
A good collection of side activities and a strong undercurrent of Hong Kong action movies makes it an fine package.

Faithful to the Borderlands style, with an adventure game style makes a great alternate look at the game's universe.
Has a good narrative structure, fun characters, but it's certainly a Telltale game, so choices don't really matter.
One of the strongest Telltale games out there, with Handsome Jack stealling absolutely every scene with how great he is.