Runs poorly even by Warriors standards, but each character is actually unique and the Divine Beast battles are surprisingly fun.

Pretty fun, but way too many characters shared movesets with each other. The fact that four of the nine DLC characters were just clones of characters in the base game should show how bad it is.

A way better combination of Warriors gameplay and RPG progression than Persona 5 Strikers or either of the DQ Heroes games.

Fodlan was surprisingly fleshed out, especially considering the world that Fates took place in doesn't even have a name. The school sections were a little slow and I didn't like how Part 1 was basically the same for each house, but it was still a great game.

It's the best unfinished game you'll ever play.

It improves on Dragon Quest Builders in the same way that Dragon Quest II improved on the original Dragon Quest (the addition of party members, a greater emphasis on stories and character interactions instead of pure exploration, etc.) but man did it run terribly on Switch.

An elaborate deconstruction of the original Dragon Quest that's based around a joke ending, and a really fun game on top of that.

It's not quite as good as DQs V or VII, but the world is fun to explore and it's the best depiction of Akira Toriyama's art in 3D that's ever been done.

Goku learning how to drive was fun, but the fishing minigame left a lot to be desired.

Are Prinnies the minions of SRPGs?

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I softlocked myself by dodging through an invisible wall while fighting a crossdresser inside a clock tower and I'd have to replay the whole game to actually finish it. That statement sums up most of my time with the game TBH.

The world kind of reminds me of Metroid Prime, if all the upgrades were different versions of the space jump and every room was way too big.

Has a weirdly in-depth character customization for a game that encourages you to become a transhumanist mass of cybernetic augmentations.

I literally just bought this game for Koi-Koi.

A pretty simple game, but it plays with perspective in a really neat way. I've never played the 3DS version but I imagine that would be really cool to see with the 3D turned on.