Colorful and witty with an interesting spin on turn-based combat. Started to feel long by the end, especially as a completionist.

An interesting story with a lot of complex ideas ruined by possibly the worst Trophy List I've ever seen. The Platinum took 3 years of off and on play to complete, and I hated myself by the end of it.

Truly inventive adventure game unlike anything I've ever seen. Like with many puzzle games, players will run flat into a brick wall from time to time, but the game is still worth playing for fans of the genre.

There's a lot about this game that drives me bonkers now (post game is inexplicable trash), but it was perfect for the Vita when pickings were slim.

I'm not gonna rate this game, but I have a soft spot in my heart for it. It was a mini-scandal for Sony as it sold for $0.99 and the Platinum could be achieved in like 45 seconds. It got pulled from the PlayStation Store, so now the Platinum is like a Collector's Item.


Gorgeous, sad, with an absolutely lovely score. A perfect rainy-day weekender.

I know I played the crap out of this at the time, but I haven't ever revisited it.

A super-weird entry for the franchise, but one I came to enjoy once I mastered the new combat.

The game did a pretty poor job easing players into a completely new genre, and not even my love of Persona 5 could keep me going. Bailed pretty early on this one.

Before I started this game I thought Duke Nuke 'em and Wolfenstein were the same thing.

Not a fan of FPS generally, but loved the look and story.

Didn't really jive with the shift to open worldiness.

This franchise continues to get gameplay so right, and presenting a story so wrong. The number of stale exposition dumps in this game is excruciating and inexcusable. A pacing nightmare with a significant amount of bloat I don't recall from the first entry.

The gameplay is sooooo good though.

Despite being a near beat-for-beat retread of Drake's Fortune, it's the game that cemented Uncharted's identity as a modern day, cinematic adventure franchise. The franchise got more daring and experimental as it went along, but this is the REAL start for Drake and Company

My non-gamer wife watched me play this game from start to finish over a weekend, and if that doesn't demonstrate the charms of these games, I don't know what will.

As action packed as Uncharted 2, but Naughty Dog's willingness to take certain narrative chances really started here. Took me a second playthrough to truly appreciate it, but it might be the pinnacle of the series.