Got this for free because PSN got hacked as a "sorry" gift. I played this all the way through twice to do both the good and bad endings. Game was alright but got old by the second time around.

I also am still bitter about not getting the final achievement on the second play through. Pro tip: if you need to get an achievement that needs you to kill people to level up or beat so many of them, you should then NOT remove all the spawn points for the bad guys before you get the achievement. Learned that the hard way. Still putting 100% anyways. Fight me.

I saw a two page article about this game in Playstation Magazine back before the PS3 came out. I had never played a Final Fantasy game before and I was hype for sure. This game as well as Kingdom Hearts 3 were the reasons for getting a PS3 in the first place. At least this one came out on the PS3.

This game needed a lot of patience to sit through. It was kind of all over the place with the story and the tutorials were still showing up even after 6 hours into the game. Looking back the combat system was not that hard to understand but I would definitely be lying if I didn't fully figure it out until the second game.

After about 12 hours you finally get to a point where the game opens up and you are able to explore and do side quests and it was a good time if you were patient enough to get that far.

I had a lot of good memories with this and like others have said it really isn't as bad as people made it out to be.

Pro tip: once you get to the open world you should go straight to one of the side quests (mission 55) and get a 2x experience bangle or whatever by just casting death on the boss with Vanille until you get lucky and it dies. Otherwise, this game is very difficult and you are extremely under-leveled the in the open world.

This game was a lot of fun with siblings growing up. It was fun to play all the user created content and dress up your person with costumes.

I picked this up brand new back when it first came out. I really liked how it came with a piece of paper to turn into an origami bird like the cover art while you waited for the game to install.

I had a good time with this and enjoyed the gestures and quick time events in combination with the story. I'm not sure what the reception of this game was at the time but I unironically enjoyed everything about it at the time.

This was the first call of duty I played. I really enjoyed playing through the story on veteran, even though it was unbearable at times with the grenades. Multiplayer was memorable as well with both zombies and playing online with friends after school.

Game was like a stale MW2 and was the last one that I ended up playing. Quick scoping was dead and so was my interest in the series.

This review contains spoilers

This game was great and probably one of my favorite experiences on the PS3. Having imported my character from the first game felt very cool especially because it seemed like my experience of the game was different than the people I have talked with about it.

All the characters are great and building everyone up for the final part was very memorable as the stakes were at an all time high and I didn't want to lose anybody on the final mission.

Played this at a friends house and honestly didn't really care for it at all. Didn't really like the gun play and thought the story was kind of dumb.

This game felt broken towards the very end. I think there was so much content on the disc it like couldn't handle it by the end. I liked how permanent the choices you made felt and it is a very cool time to play from this save file into the other games in the series. It honestly is the best part about this game.

Was not aware that the side quests expired when you progress though the main story. I was like yeah sure "school is being attacked and need help" I'll come after a few missions. Then couldn't find the mission in the mission select and then came across an email that said they all died and maybe a ship got out but was unsure if any made it and it basically traumatized me. I don't think I played the game after that because I felt so bad lol.

This game was like 60% "oh, hey that's kinda neat. I see what you did there." and 40% "bruh... are you serious.".

Moment of silence for the poor kid in 1987 who had to play this without 20x speed and the wiki.

Fun story that was equally silly as it was emotional. Difficulty scaling towards the end of the game was awful if you didn't complete any extra content or get the celestial weapons for the limit break.

The gameplay loop of these old BioWare games are truly timeless. The first world Tarris was such a joy to explore and go through and do all the side quests. I don't know how they did it but every option I could've chosen had fully voiced dialogue and I was more and more impressed the longer the game went on.

The game itself was so much longer than I thought it was going to be. I thought that this would have been like 30 hours or so and by the end it took me 84! I was not prepared for that and it is the reason that it took me over a year and a half to finish.

The game was a pain in the ass to setup with all the mods for a modern playthrough. Took about 100+ mods and 3 hours to install them one by one.

The main reason why I wanted to play through this was because I have fond memories of watching my cousins play through this when I was a child. I remember sitting cross legged on the floor for hours while they went through Tarris and Dantooine to pass the jedi trials. It reminds me of a simpler time.