This made me and all my friends very happy kids. I remain undefeated (by middle schoolers) with a sniper. mafish bawazeek ya kapten

How charming. On loan from Hana.

Ahhhhh. I doubt I have anything to say that hasn't been said by the millions who have spent hours and months of their life on one of the most popular games of all time.

I stopped playing this after I realised I have over one year of time spent in-game. It is a deeply flawed game, and Jagex is a very easy developer to criticise but it has taught little me so much about life and human beings and what to use to catch lobster and how much it costs to buy gf and so on and so forth

This does not spark joy. glorified demo

This one is the most underrated entry of the series IMO. My favourite of the post-Ezio/pre-open-world entries and its depiction of Paris was fantastic.

Favourite shooter of all time, and probably the console game I have spent longest playing.

Never actually got around to finishing this. Perhaps I will pick it up again with the next-gen upgrade.

What a pleasant surprise. A love-letter to the history of PlayStation, a tech demo for the Dualsense and essentially a giant advertisement but surprisingly really charming and fun to play. Really enjoying the references to other once and former PS exclusives like God of War and Crash Bandicoot as well as the homage to platformers like Mario which it very openly draws inspiration from. Some of the controls aren't the easiest to manage, giving you a preview of which Dualsense features are likely to be utilised by third-party developers in the future. It's no Wii Sports, but I can't ask for much more from a free game bundled with my console purchase.

Short and sweet. Platinum trophy.