This game is terrible. I love the Pokémon series so that’s why I decided to get this, and it’s not completely awful, but it’s just boring as fuck. 3/10

It’s a fine game I guess. I wish the miis were the main characters. I don’t like golf or soccer though. 6/10

This is a pretty fun game. After you beat the final boss they’re is not really any reason to continue tbh. 9/10

I like Kirby, but this isn’t that fun of a game. Unlike the game like this one but on the ds. 3/10

This is like Fortnite but better. I ain’t no furry but it’s still kinda fun. 5/10

Used to play this game with my friends. They are still crazy into it, but to me it really isn’t that fun. 2/10

This game is pretty fun. I used to play it on my computer until it died. Then when it came back I played on switch. Then it died again, I haven’t played since, but when I did it was pretty fun. 8/10

I used to play this game with my friends. It’s not that fun. 4/10

Fun game. Story is cool, that’s pretty much it though. 7/10

I only like playing levels other people made and that’s pretty much it. 4/5

Pretty fun too play with friends. Not much more too say. 3/5

This games fun, but sometimes is so difficult to the point where it no longer is. And by sometimes, I mean almost all the time. Still can be fun, and the story is ok.

This game fucking sucks ass. It’s so difficult and the controls are awful. Got halfway through the 1st level and quit.

Fun game. Decided to just abandon it for now, but will pick up later most likely.

One of my favorite games. Such a unique concept and it’s just super fun in general.