It’s a fine game, I guess. Whenever I’m bored I just sit down and beat this in 2 hours, in one sitting too. When I was younger, playing this game for the first time was fun, but now it’s just kinda funNY to play it. This is also a pretty short game too, but it’s still only a 2/5 game.

I played for about 30 minutes and was bored the entire time. I might return too this game, but for now, it’s shelved. 2 1/2/5

Sure, I’m a teenager, but a dumb one. I still feel like a 5 year old sometimes, so for some reason I had a lot of fun with this game. Not much more too say, 3/5

I played for a bit and decided to abandon it because I really wasn’t having fun. 3 1/2/5

Such a fun game. Not much more too say, but it’s so amazing. 5/5

I don’t get why people hate on this game, I actually had a lot of fun with it, I also liked that you could customize your own character. My only complaint was that the first and last boss weren’t really that good, but it’s still pretty fun. 4/5

I used to love this game, but it really just isn’t that fun anymore. Sorry for having a wrong opinion, guys. 3/5

I don’t get the hate for this game, it’s really fun IMO. I also loved the mini games and boards. 4 1/2/5

Pretty fun game, but if your lonely (like me) it’s not as fun. The levels are pretty fun and creative, but some are very difficult and annoying, especially those firefly ones. 3/5

Very fun game. My only complaint is the final boss, the desert level and that water boss, Clem or whatever his name was. 4/5

A lot of people love this game, but I dropped it after halfway through the third chapter. It really isn’t that fun of a game, so 2 1/2/5

Very fun game. I love the villagers, and all that. Nothing much more too say, but I really like more adventure and all that type games, so yeah, I sometimes get bored of this game, but that’s it. 5 1/2/5

What used to be a fun game, became an awful game. 1 1/2/5

Pretty fun game, but not as good as wooly world. Not much more to say. 4 1/2/5

Fun game, but I slowly started to kinda drift away from loving it. Will mostly pick it up again later. I also unlocked all of the characters. 4 1/2/5