58 Reviews liked by Moissy

I loved making all of the American continent a communist country.

This game is literally a virus, what the fuck bro

guy who has played 10 video games: we gotta hop on Fortnite dude this new season is peak

guy who has played 100 video games: final fantasy 6 is a narrative masterpiece [6 hour video essay]

guy who has played 1000 video games: dude we have to hop on Fortnite this new season is peak


dmc3 with an edgy, 2000s-ish style and a twink. liked it a lot, suprised it doesn't have more of a following, though i'm also glad it doesn't have a ton of reviews saying "haha, it's just a phase mom"

Sometimes you want to go back to a time when Jhonen Vaquez was the influence of everyone

i killed 500 dinosaurs and i feel nothing

This is like the dark souls of Dreamwork games

The definition of "I was fifteen and rented this for the achievements".

rayman raving rabbids is one of the first things that pops up when you google my deadname cause i got a very high score in one of the minigames and my dad submitted it to the online leaderboards. i was like 40th

Perfect game for Halloween season :) wish i never played this game because now every soulslike feels like shit after playing this lol

Bloodborne is a masterpiece, many essays support this statement, and I can proudly say that this is my favorite game of all time. It is true that it is becoming the standard to say that this game is overrated, but this is wrong, the game is correctly rated. The fast paced combat, lore and really impressive mechanics are some of the things that make this game so great. And, Bloodborne probably has the greatest DLC of all time, in my opinion, of course. While I would write a whole essay about the game right now this just a quick review so people play it. If you love stories set in the lovecraftian horror genre, play this. If you love gothic ambiance, play this. If you loved Sekiro, play this! This game really has something for everyone which I love.

never thought i’d see hatty hattington in wipeout but ok