Project: Steam Library

It is my mission to put a dent in the absurb amount of crap gathering dust in my Steam Library. Using a website that randomly selects a game attached to my Steam account, I will play the selected game for one hour before deciding whether or not I abandon it or keep playing. This is my ranking of everything I have randomized thus far.

Playtime: 10 Minutes. Very quickly realized I do not want to play this lol.
Playtime: 2 hours. I like this game fundamentally, but the lack of content meant I pretty much beat it in an hour. There's not even close to enough levels for me to invest more time into this experience, but it was a fun two hours :).
Playtime: 2.2 hours. I didn't like this at all when I was messing around with the races, but doing some of the campaign shifted my perspective! I don't have quite enough patience to accomplish all the tasks the world expects of you, but I really like the idea of building vehicles to make it possible for you to attain items.
Playtime: 4 hours. An entertaining factory-sim sorta thing. While it's fun, having to restart my basic factory line elements with every new level is a bit exhausting. I'm probably gonna drop this for now, unless I suddenly get in the mood to jump back in.
Playtime: 7 hours. It's fun and pleasant visually, but the randomness to the strategy makes it hard to get invested in. I do like it, though!
Playtime: N/A. Tried playing it but it kept crashing.
Playtime: 13 minutes. I was into the art for a little bit, but when I started playing I was just like... yeah this isn't a game I want to play.
Playtime: 7 hours. I had a lot of fun with this one; it really made me FEEL like Spider-Man. The final levels are ridiculously hard and I spent over an hour on one of them in particular. Pain...
Playtime: 2h. Solid base ideas but quickly got bored of the gameplay loop. Competent but uninspired outside of the shadowrealm stuff.
Playtime: 18 minutes. I would've been fine playing this for an hour but it's actually just an infinite puzzler. There really are no levels or anything. Just keep mixing plants for as many points as possible.
Playtime: 20 minutes. There's something to like here, but the poor movement gave me no motivation to continue
Playtime: 90 minutes. A very basic tower defense with an almost automatic progression system. I wasn't bored, but I wasn't engaged enough to play for much longer.
Playtime: 50 minutes. Inoffensive but nothing idenitifably worth experiencing here.
Played: 3 hours. Short game that is cool in how it relentlessly trolls the player. I love that the player's mistakes frequently come to bite them back in the ass, but beyond that, not much else to love here. It's a competent puzzler overall.
Played: 2 hours. Not bad but I wasn't particularly invested in the dungeon crawling.
Playtime: 20 minutes. This game has like a fanbase of 15 players. And I had no idea what I was doing. Quickly dropped it.
Played: 1 hour. I really wish adult games could feature mature themes and avoid being creepy or gross. The writing here is atrocious and scenarios aren't implemented in particularly amusing ways. Definitely better than Crush Crush but really not worth my time, even as a lover of adult content.
Playtime: 20 minutes. I was sorta interested but I got stuck immediately and didn't have the patience to figure it out.
Playtime: 3 hours. I got about halfway through. It's super basic visually but the puzzles are cool. I don't plan on finishing it but I liked my time with it.
Playtime: 2 hours. Alluring puzzle game with some mind-boggling solutions. I actually plan to finish this (if I even can).
Playtime: 15 minutes. Controls like shit and the "horror" was unintentionally hilarious. I don't intend to return to this.
Playedtime: 1 hour. It's idle clicker garbage with predatory f2p nonsense and awful stereotypical writing.
Playtime: 30 minutes. Immediately identified this as "not my type of experience." Seems competent otherwise, but I'm uninterested.
Played: 4 hours. A competent platformer with some neat ideas, but ultimately nothing to go crazy about. I did, however, play it to completion.
Playtime: 1 hour. Feels like something I'd play on my phone to distract from an hour long train ride, but it's not terrible. Just wasn't interested in continuing.
Playtime: 5 minutes. Nah, I'm good.
Playtime: 25 minutes. Very bland. Not much to say here but I didn't feel like continuing for much longer.
Playtime: 18 hours. This is very fun and kinda sells me on why city builders can be so addicting. Had a good time making my little city and watching it be immensely successful before crumbling into a traffic-ridden nightmare.
Playtime: 10 hours. This is the textbook example of mediocrity. Mindlessly shooting at zombie's heads makes for an okay relaxion game while hanging out with friends in Discord, but otherwise, it got tedious before I was even done with the first game.
Playtime: 5 minutes. I took one look at this shit and I did not want to play it anymore.
Played: 7 minutes. I feel like I just got transported to 2012 using my mom's ipad to download shitty free to play racing games.
Playtime: 2.7 hours. Definitely not bad, but I don't care for it.
Playtime: 7 hours. It's competently made, but it lacks the spice that could put it far above the average tower defense experience. Regardless, tower defense games are enjoyable and I ended up putting 7 hours into it until completion. I wouldn't count this as a "gem," but it's certainly better than the other tower defense games I played for this challenge.
Played: 10 minutes. I just wasn't in the mood.
Playtime: 1 minute. I don't think I'll ever want to play a game like this.
Playtime: 1 hour. It's not bad, but I don't really see a reason to keep going. Best I can say is that it's visually a bit charming.
Playtime: 4 hours. Essentially D&D but without the roleplay. It's enjoyable :
Playtime: 4 hours. It's a not bad puzzle game that can get a bit frustrating conceptually. I'm not gonna finish it, but the solutions are clever.
Played: 12 hours. A competent first-person horror game. Terrible voice acting, lots of dumb bugs and overly reliant on jump scares, but lots of good, classic psychological terror in here. Genuinely freaked me the hell out at times. The jankiness is so present that it almost makes the game more unnerving lol. Regardless, cool game!
Playtime: 1 hour. I really like this. It was quite fun 1v1ing my friend for an hour.
Playtime: 10 minutes. Seems well-made but not my type of game unless Big John and I play someday.
Playtime: 1 Hour. The aesthetic appeals to me, but the gameplay is simple and lacks excitement. I couldn't endure a full game of this.


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