An enjoyable but flawed Final Fantasy experience. A classic story premise presented in a more grounded way rather than going full anime, for the most part.

For something that started out so strongly, the further into the game you get, the more it seemed to start dragging on rather than being enjoyable. This is both because of the pacing of the story and the core combat offering little options, a problem they created since they obviously wanted you to play around your Eikon abilities rather than going full DMC combo mode without them. Granted the abilities are fun to play around with, though even then encounters start to get more tedious as you go along. The way you can choose the abilities you want and work out how you want to combo them all together is probably the most satisfying part of this game's combat, and I enjoyed using the counter moves to parry the bigger enemies and tear through their will gauge, leading to quick staggers.

You do have some amazing fights too, the first two major boss fights are both great, and the fight against Titan is probably the highlight of the entire game for me. Pretty much every fight is good if it's a major character. Even the final boss is actually worthy of being one (unlike FF15, what was that).

Another highlight is the characters themselves, and the voice acting in particular stands out to me, there's a lot of good performances here. Let's not forget the best character in the game, the absolute hero Torgal who saves you multiple times, and you can pet him so it's a good game.

As for what I don't like, well first, there's the pacing issues I mentioned where sometimes it feels like you're just being sent somewhere do something for the sake of it. Then there's the side quests, which honestly, most of them are pretty bad. Literally fetch quests and talking to people to do errands, yeah so good. Hunt marks offer some variety though, and some unique encounters which are pretty fun.

Overall I did enjoy the story, and I had fun playing through the game too, but by the time I was at the final Eikon I started to wish the game would be over soon (this guy is a woody by the way, the worst character in the game).

One more thing, this game has performance issues, even on performance mode you won't be hitting 60 fps. Not really what you want to see on a next gen console exclusive.

I think Keith and Quint are the best Resident Evil characters ever (real).

It's better than Ratchet and Clank.

Trust me when I say you're not here for the gameplay, which is honestly tedious after a while considering you have to go through the game multiple times to get each of the endings.

What keeps you invested though is slowly learning the truth behind the world, listening to the stories behind each of the characters and becoming more attached to them. Faceless enemies being revealed to have thoughts of their own, yet you still have to kill them all the same. There's also times where you're just reading walls of text like a book, and honestly I enjoyed those parts, the stories are actually well written and vivid (especially the dream one with corpses and stuff that was cool).

Though I prefer Automata as a game, I'm quite fond of Weiss and Kainé and I did enjoy Replicant as an experience overall.

I think it's fun to go around the world and kill every single NPC possible until you get the grim reaper perk.

And you get a dog companion.

You might want to play Touhou Luna Nights instead.

When compared to the other RE games, this one has a nice mix of tense horror sections and combat focused sections too. It's a solid game which doesn't drag on too long, and I think the setting of the game was a good change for the series in general after following on from RE7.

Definitely worth playing at least once. Tall vampire lady and cursed dada baby are the highlights.

One of the weaker entries I'd say. The combat feels lacking since there's no styles, and the physics engine is wild.

The story kind of meandered along and it made you go and do pointless stuff as if it needed to pad out the game to make it last longer, but it picked up at the end. That said, even the finale section was underwhelming.

The best part was going into the castle and fighting spearmen and ninjas before punching two tigers in the head.

It feels like the physics are worse than the gamecube titles, but this game does have Morgana Persona 5 in it.

It includes Monkey Ball 1 + 2 original stages as well as other stages so there's plenty of content here, including the party games (monkey target goes hard).

Perfectly fine game but nothing amazing.

Kiwi gaming.

It's a short platformer in the style of N64 platformers (Banjo), it's more like a demo than a full game experience though.

Toree 2 is still better.

It's pretty decent, and difficult to do each character without using continues, I just wish it was twin stick instead of only shooting in the direction you are facing.

Also funny raccoon.

Terrible performance issues first of all. Combat is either just using a gun or spamming two combos.

You won't care about any character in this game, and the story is whatever too. Exploring the world can be fun for a while but that turns into finding the same crafting components everywhere before long.

And they got the narrator out here making up scringly bingus words for everything, irredeemable.

This game is just the right amount of cringe (the OST leans into this for sure).

It's fun but it gets repetitive despite there being six playable characters. They used every area from the first game again, and added two new ones, and since they like to make you backtrack it can get tedious at times.

I like the characters though, especially Kyoko and Misako, they have a fun back and forth going on.

This one's probably better if you never played the first game or if you just really want more of the same.