More like secret of pressing the attack button once every 3 seconds once your stamina is full just to miss anyway.

Generic story, awful gameplay, weird kind of but not really turn based magic. Every dungeon is a room or two and then a loading screen. Just don't play it.

So basically you use the map creator to make a secret base, and then hide in there when you play Virus with the boys so the AI can't get you.

Peak arcade style zombie shooter, perfect with a group of 4, still very active even to this day. Mods and custom levels give you infinite content.

Never forget such classics as now I'm killed and crispy Luigi.

I wish they would add a jump button.

Otherwise it's very fun, there's plenty of different weapons and builds to try as you go through all of the bosses, not to mention there's different difficulties too.

Master mode if you're ready for some gaming with the boys.

Genesong just hits different.

I don't think there's another fps out there where the campaign is as fun as this one is, especially if you're playing on co-op.

And the Arbiter is based.

Actually a good way to play mahjong casually online, just don't spend money on it and you're good.

This is Minecraft on the Xbox 360 before we had Minecraft on the Xbox 360.

You can be a triangle with a gun and a chicken with a sword, what else do you want from a game?

Me when my parents get divorced in real life (tears up)! Let's go!

When you walking but you don't know where you walking but you walking.

You might think it's fun at first but it's just wallet draining simulator in the end. Trash.