2011-2013 was the peak of this game, and only started its downhill trend once wildshadow was no longer in charge. Kabam owning the game was the beginning of the downfall, and despite being my most played game i found myself spending less and less time on it. By the time DECA took over the game was at an all time low, and having tried it on and off it just isnt the same and most likely never will be. Not worth wasting your time on this one, as the monetization is predatory and the gameplay loop is abysmal.

Not super amazing but can be fun with friends. Several years ago i spent a night with a buddy doing a 10(+?) hour session to do as much as we can, starting fresh then working our way up to traveling out four thousand blocks to kill the undead dragon, the most difficult boss at the time we did it. That was the last time i played and was a long enough session to where i never need to play this game ever again.

On release this game was amazing, and the different builds were fun to use. As the game went on the fun things were nerfed and then the avalanche of DLCs started, bloating the game with a ton of useless stuff. In its current state, definitely not worth playing especially with Payday 3 on the horizon.

One of the best RPGs available. The story alone is so well written that if it was the only thing included the game would still be amazing, however there is a massive world to explore and countless sidequests to interact with. There is so much content to do that is all carefully crafted you will never be bored no matter what quest you take.

One of my personal top 5 games, the strategy and potential build diversity is unmatched. An intriguing story that drew me in but is not a drag to go through a second, third, or fourth time. With mod support as well the replayability goes through the roof as modders add new content and entire new classes for you to mix and match.

When it released and up to season 3 this was by far my favorite game, but as the seasons went on the changes and vision the devs had did not align with my enjoyment of the game. As it stands now i maybe boot it up once every other month to play a few games hoping to relive that initial spark of genuine fun but it is never the same.

I would consider this one the exact opposite of the first game, the story is by far the weakest however the gameplay is smoothed out considerably and is satisfying to play. Despite most people saying the ending ruined the trilogy for them i still think its worth playing to completion at least once to decide for yourself. For me it was ~okay~ at best but did not ruin it.

The best of the triology, the gameplay is vastly improved from the first and the story doesnt suffer because of it. There is a likeable character for everyone and the branching options are interesting. This one was so good that despite being fairly linear in the story i have played through the whole thing four or five times trying out different builds.

Based solely on gameplay, definitely the weakest of the trilogy but it more than makes up for it in world building and story telling. Sets up the universe and makes it feel alive while leaving room for the future. Dont let the clunky controls drive you to skipping straight to ME2, the story is worth it.

Another indie game banger. If you like optimizing everything you do to take the most efficient path to your goal, this game provides the opportunity to do so. Never had a sale and still worth every dollar.

Super unoptomized but if you can power through that, the strategic gameplay is very fun with a serviceable campaign. Also has an open-world freeplay mode to add replayability, with a vast array of mods adding in content from the Battletech universe. Who doesnt like commanding a squad of big stompy mechs shooting lasers and missiles at eachother?

Possibly one of the best games ever made. I first played this game when the dungeon and skeletron were the end game content, and i have sunk over a thousand hours into the game since. So well polished and every update added huge content, not to mention the plethora of mods that add an entire new dimension to every play through, definitely a must buy in my book.

It's yugioh. In the current meta of tear and spright dominating, it can be boring as most games are insanely one sided. Whoever goes first has such a massive advantage that if you are going second it can be impossible to win a majority of time.

Fun little roguelite that can occupy your time. Several unique characters each with their own mechanics and build identity. Insane replay value and customizable difficulty lets anyone get into this game and have fun.

A step down from shadowbringers, fights are designed well but the way jobs interact with the encounters is unfun and filled with spikes of action between long lulls in combat.