Very cool idea with solid execution, the humor mostly lands and the narrative is pretty good. The actor for Jeremy Donaldson carries

Its an alright game but I just find RoR2 better in pretty much every way, the 3D plane helps a lot with navigation and knowing how to get to the teleporter, not knowing where the teleporter is in this is so frustrating. Also the printers and scrapers in RoR2 were great, it let you mitigate some of the RNG and really get a strong build, but in this sometimes you just get the worst luck with nothing you can really do to mitigate it. The platforming is also just really bad, and a lot of the new challenges work around it, which I find quite frustrating. Grabbing a rope often doesn't happen if your firing and sometimes just doesn't happen at all, the magnetic pull of the ropes can really screw you.

Overall, I dont hate it and i'm sure i'll dabble in it with friends but I'd rather just play RoR2

Its a good game, not for me. Building and crafting in games is almost always dull to me. If your into survivalcraft style games, you've probably already played this obviously, but it'll be your jam. Not my thing at all

Solid open world adventure with pretty fun traversal and combat. Didn't hold me to the end credits but it was a good time for about 15 hours.

Probably my favorite Yakuza story, and great in its side content as well. A blast

Poor mans bioshock with not much redeeming about it.

Game before afterbirth+ was one of my favorite games ever. Afterbirth+ was very mediocre and held the game back, but luckily repentance brought it back somewhat

Still, its one of the best games ever made and original isaac opened my eyes to indie games.

Good bethesda RPG, not perfect but not as bad as some people make it seem. Decent writing from time to time, good worldbuilding, fun quests. Pretty good combat when the AI works. Should be even better with mods down the line

A fun, interesting take on BRs.

Not much to 'play' here, but regardless I really loved the story. I'd recommend just playing it if you enjoy a good story and can get over minimal gameplay, its worth experiencing blind.

A great FPS campaign accompanied by fantastic multiplayer, that thankfully works again. God please let us get a new titanfall

Currently the best ARPG imo. Maybe POE2 will trump it

Started a genre, one of the best worlds i've ever experienced.

Best Soulslike ever, best game ever.

Kicked off the survivor-like genre, fantastic game with plenty to unlock and do. Very satisfying gameplay and sound design.