Town got a Giraffe in it. Crazy shit

legitimately a banger holy moly

With Mods it's a 9/10, easily one of the best VR games available. Without Mods, it's more like a 6/10, still a decent rhythm game that will suffice for a more casual audience, but not nearly a good enough list of songs for anyone to really get into mastering Beat Saber

Sekiro really doesn't feel like Souls game, and I like that. As much as I love the Dark Souls series and souls-likes, I think it's really cool that Fromsoft decided to branch out and make something more unique with Sekiro. Because Sekiro isn't really an RPG, it allows the combat system to be more tight and focused. The story is also actually comprehensible in Sekiro without having to read a bunch of item descriptions, which is nice. But honestly, something about Sekiro just didn't resonate with me as much as Dark Souls 1 and 3. I think the environments and the soundtrack were the main thing holding Sekiro back from being on the same level as the Souls games. Sekiro's environments and soundtrack weren't bad by any means, but it all just kinda blended together for me. Overall though, Sekiro is an amazing game, and is proof that Fromsoft is more than capable of branching out of the souls-like genre.

Amazing story, great characters, engaging turn-based / bullet-hell combat system, funny writing, and literally one of the greatest soundtracks in gaming history.

I have 150.8 hours logged on my first play-through of Elden Ring, and damn was that time well spent. Being an open world does kind of open the souls formula to some kind of unavoidable issues, but despite that, I think the open world also provides Elden Ring with its biggest strength, that being exploration. The world in Elden Ring is MASSIVE. And it feels like there is almost no wasted space at all, from hour 1 - 150, I was interested in what the world had to offer, I wondered what crazy landscapes or creatures I would encounter next. Although, that does make it easy to get lost in exploration and forget what you're supposed to be doing in the main story, which can be a bit frustrating. The balancing overall feels a little off as well, which I suppose makes since with it being an open world game as big as this. But overall it was an amazing game that I definitely plan on returning to for another play-through some time in the future

It doesn't quite hit the same as Dark Souls 1 for me, largely due to the fast travel mechanic, but holy moly this is still a legendary video game.

Probably the worst Souls game to come from Fromsoft, but still a really great game

It inspired a whole genre (I know Demon's Souls came first, but Dark Souls is really what sent the genre to the mainstream). Even among the now hundreds of "souls-like" games there are today, Dark Souls stands among them as game that feels incredibly unique. The biggest criticism I could give Dark Souls is that it can sometimes feel a bit too cryptic and leave the player with no idea what they're supposed to be doing, especially if it's their first Souls game. But the story, world, characters, enemy designs, combat, and especially the level design is all masterfully done.

A couple characters could've probably been more fleshed out but that's really the only possible critique I can think of. This is the closest any piece of media has ever come to making me cry. Using the webcam for the game really enhances the experience and helps to connect the player more directly to the themes of the story.


The gameplay is fine, with some of the bosses actually being somewhat engaging, but the art-style, world, and characters are exceptionally well done. And the story is by far one of the best I've experienced in a video game.

Great game, though I feel like the characters definitely could've been more fleshed out, I really only remember George, Kat, and the edgy skull helmet guy. The ending was pretty awesome though. As far as the multiplayer goes, all the great social features from 3 are back, although this time we also got Firefight, which is one of my favorite modes to play with friends. The customization system also felt just about perfect in Reach, especially with how your custom armor set shows up in the Campaign as the protagonist. Bloom is kinda dumb though.

One of the greatest games ever made. While the campaign isn't quite at the level of Halo 2, it still made for a great conclusion to the trilogy. And the Multiplayer is about as perfect as it could possibly be. So many social features and options to mess with in custom games, so many great maps, along with the Forge that allowed the community to make their own maps and share them with other players. Halo 3 offers a lot of content for a lot of different kinds of players, and all of them are extremely high quality, from campaign to casual and competitive PvP to Forge, I mean some people used Halo 3 more for making Machinima films in Theatre mode than actually playing the game.